A flexible information model for systematic development and deployment
of product families during all phases of the product realization process
is crucial for product-oriented organizations. In current practice,
information captured while designing products in a family is often
incomplete, unstructured, and is mostly proprietary in nature, making it
difficult to index, search, refine, reuse, distribute, browse, aggregate,
and analyze knowledge across heterogeneous organizational information
systems. To this end, we propose a flexible knowledge management framework
to capture, reorganize, and convert both linguistic and parametric product
family design information into a unified network, which is called a
networked bill of material (NBOM) using formal concept analysis (FCA);
encode the NBOM as a cyclic, labeled graph using the Web Ontology Language
(OWL) that designers can use to explore, search, and aggregate design
information across different phases of product design as well as across
multiple products in a product family; and analyze the set of products in
a product family based on both linguistic and parametric information. As
part of the knowledge management framework, a PostgreSQL database schema
has been formulated to serve as a central design repository of product
design knowledge, capable of housing the instances of the NBOM. Ontologies
encoding the NBOM are utilized as a metalayer in the database schema to
connect the design artifacts as part of a graph structure. Representing
product families by preconceived common ontologies shows promise in
promoting component sharing, and assisting designers search, explore, and
analyze linguistic and parametric product family design information. An
example involving a family of seven one-time-use cameras with different
functions that satisfy a variety of customer needs is presented to
demonstrate the implementation of the proposed framework.