The catalytic core of Escherichia coli
DNA polymerase III contains three tightly associated subunits
(α, ε, and θ). The θ subunit is the smallest,
but the least understood of the three. As a first step
in a program aimed at understanding its function, the structure
of the θ subunit has been determined by triple-resonance
multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. Although only a small
protein, θ was difficult to assign fully because approximately
one-third of the protein is unstructured, and some sections
of the remaining structured parts undergo intermediate
intramolecular exchange. The secondary structure was deduced
from the characteristic nuclear Overhauser effect patterns,
the 3JHNα coupling
constants and the consensus chemical shift index. The C-terminal
third of the protein, which has many charged and hydrophilic
amino acid residues, has no well-defined secondary structure
and exists in a highly dynamic state. The N-terminal two-thirds
has three helical segments (Gln10–Asp19, Glu38–Glu43,
and His47–Glu54), one short extended segment (Pro34–Ala37),
and a long loop (Ala20–Glu29), of which part may
undergo intermediate conformational exchange. Solution
of the three-dimensional structure by NMR techniques revealed
that the helices fold in such a way that the surface of
θ is bipolar, with one face of the protein containing
most of the acidic residues and the other face containing
most of the long chain basic residues. Preliminary chemical
shift mapping experiments with a domain of the ε subunit
have identified a loop region (Ala20–Glu29) in θ
as the site of association with ε.