1 Introduction
The distribution of prime numbers is one of the most important problems in number theory. Denote by $\pi (x)$ the number of primes $p\leqslant x$ . The prime number theorem states that
A strong form of this theorem is
where c is a positive constant, $\log _2$ denotes the iterated logarithm function and
The Riemann hypothesis is equivalent to the asymptotic formula
where $\varepsilon $ is an arbitrarily small positive number. More generally, let $\mathcal {N}(x)$ be a set of integers of $[1, x]$ and let $\mathcal {N}_{{\mathbb P}}(x)$ be the set of prime numbers in $\mathcal {N}(x)$ . We expect that
provided $\mathcal {N}(x)$ is rather regular and is not too sparse. Some well-known examples are
the respective densities for which are
where $[t]$ is the integral part of the real number t, $\varphi (q)$ is the Euler function, A is any positive constant and $\varepsilon>0$ is an arbitrarily small positive number.
Recently, Bordellès et al. [Reference Bordellès, Dai, Heyman, Pan and Shparlinski2] investigated the asymptotic behaviour of the summative function
under some simple hypothesis on the growth of f and there are a number of further developments on this theme. If we use $\Lambda (n)$ to denote the von Mangoldt function, then [Reference Wu13, Theorem 1.2(i)] or [Reference Zhai15, Theorem 1] give us immediately
for any $\varepsilon>0$ and $x\to \infty $ , where $C_{\Lambda } := \sum _{n\geqslant 1} {\Lambda (n)}/{n(n+1)}$ . Ma and Wu [Reference Ma and Wu11] applied the Vaughan identity and the technique of one-dimensional exponential sums to break the $\tfrac 12$ -barrier by establishing
This result seems rather interesting if we compare it with (1.2). The exponent ${35}/{71}$ has been improved to ${97}/{203}$ by Bordellès [Reference Bordellès1] and ${9}/{19}$ by Liu et al. [Reference Liu, Wu and Yang10], using more sophisticated techniques of multiple exponential sums. Obviously, (1.5) is the prime number theorem for the floor function set
considered as the weighted count of prime powers. Very recently, Heyman [Reference Heyman7] examined the number of primes in the floor function set $\mathcal {S}(x)$ without the multiplicity. The principal result of Heyman [Reference Heyman7, Theorem 1] is the asymptotic formula
Since Heyman [Reference Heyman6, Theorems 1 and 2] proved that
it follows from (1.6) that (1.3) holds for this sparse set $\mathcal {S}(x)$ . This may be the first example of such a sparse subset of $[1, x]\cap {\mathbb N}$ (of density $x^{1/2}$ ) for which the prime number theorem holds.
It seems natural and interesting to establish an analogue of the strong form of the prime number theorem in (1.1) for the set $\mathcal {S}(x)$ . We prove such a result.
Theorem 1.1. (i) For $x\to \infty $ ,
where $c'>0$ is a positive constant and
(ii) There is a real sequence $\{a_n\}_{n\geqslant 1}$ with $a_1=4$ such that for any positive integer $N\geqslant 1$ ,
Let ${\mathbb P}$ be the set of all primes and let ${{\mathbb P}}_{\mathrm {ower}}$ be the set of all prime powers. Denote by $\mathbb {1}_{{\mathbb P}}$ and $\mathbb {1}_{{{\mathbb P}}_{\mathrm {ower}}}$ their characteristic functions. Define
Theorems 5 and 7 of [Reference Heyman7] can be stated as follows:
where $C_{\mathbb {1}_{{\mathbb P}}} := \sum _{p} {1}/{p(p+1)}$ and $C_{\mathbb {1}_{{{\mathbb P}}_{\mathrm {ower}}}} := \sum _{p, \, \nu \geqslant 1} {1}/{p^{\nu }(p^{\nu }+1)}$ . Similar to (1.4), these are immediate consequences of [Reference Wu13, Theorem 1.2(i)] or [Reference Zhai15, Theorem 1]. Heyman [Reference Heyman7, Theorem 6] also proved that there is a positive constant $B>0$ such that the inequality
for $x\geqslant 2$ . We improve these results by breaking the $\tfrac 12$ -barrier in the error terms of (1.9), (1.10) and (1.11).
Theorem 1.2. For any $\varepsilon>0$ ,
as $x\to \infty $ , where the implied constants depend on $\varepsilon $ .
Remark 1.3. It is possible to improve the error terms in (1.12) and (1.13). It seems interesting to prove $\Omega $ -results for the error terms in (1.8), (1.12) and (1.13). We shall return to this problem in forthcoming work.
Very recently, Yu and Wu [Reference Yu and Wu14] generalised Heyman’s (1.7) by showing
uniformly for $x\geqslant 3$ , $1\leqslant q\leqslant x^{1/4}/(\log x)^{3/2}$ and $1\leqslant a\leqslant q$ , where the implied constant is absolute. This confirms a numerical test of Heyman.
2 Proof of Theorem 1.1
We begin by following the argument of [Reference Heyman7]. First, we note that
Further, if $[{x}/{n}] = p\in \mathbb {P}$ , then $x/(p+1)<n\leqslant x/p$ . Thus, we can write
where $\mathbb {1}(Q)=1$ if the statement Q is true and 0 otherwise, and
For $p\leqslant \sqrt {x}-1$ ,
Thus, the prime number theorem (1.1) gives us
for $x\geqslant 3$ , where $c'>0$ is a positive constant.
Next, we treat $G_2(x)$ . Noticing that
for $p>\sqrt {x}$ , the quantity $[{x}/{p}]-[{x}/{p+1}]$ can only equal 0 or 1. However, for $p>x^{10/19}$ , we have $p=[{x}/{n}]$ for some $n\leqslant x^{9/19}$ . Thus, we can write
where $\psi (t):=t-[t]-\tfrac 12$ and
With the help of the prime number theorem (1.1), a simple partial integration gives
where $c'>0$ is a positive constant. Making the change of variables $t\to x/t$ in the last integral, it follows that
for $x\to \infty $ .
It remains to bound $G_{2, 2}^{\langle \delta \rangle }(x)$ . Similar to [Reference Liu, Wu and Yang10], define
According to [Reference Liu, Wu and Yang10, (4.3)], for any $\varepsilon>0$ ,
uniformly for $x\geqslant 3$ and $x^{6/13}\leqslant D\leqslant x^{2/3}$ . The same proof shows that for any $\varepsilon>0$ ,
uniformly for $x\geqslant 3$ , $x^{6/13}\leqslant D\leqslant x^{2/3}$ and $D<D'\leqslant 2D$ . Since we have trivially
the inequality (2.5) implies that the bound
holds uniformly for $x\geqslant 3$ , $x^{6/13}\leqslant D\leqslant x^{2/3}$ and $D<D'\leqslant 2D$ . Using (2.6),
Inserting (2.4) and (2.7) into (2.3), we find that
Now the required result (1.8) follows from (2.1), (2.2) and (2.8).
The second assertion is an immediate consequence of the first one thanks to a simple partial integration.
3 Proof of Theorem 1.2
We begin by following the argument of [Reference Liu, Wu and Yang9]. Let $f=\mathbb {1}_{{\mathbb P}}$ or $\mathbb {1}_{{{\mathbb P}}_{\mathrm {ower}}}$ and let $N\in [x^{1/3}, x^{1/2})$ be a parameter which can be chosen later. First, we write
We have trivially
To bound $S_f^{\sharp }(x)$ , we put $d=[x/n]$ . Noticing that
we see that
where we have used the bounds
Combining (3.1), (3.2) and (3.3), it follows that
Thus, to prove Theorem 1.2, it suffices to show that
for $N=x^{9/19}$ . This can be done exactly as for (2.7) by using (2.6):
This completes the proof.