In the Acta Sanctorum, volume II for February, being volume V of the whole work, under date of February 16th, the assigned date of her martyrdom, we find two lives of St. Juliana, both edited by Bolland himself. One of these lives is by an anonymous author, and is edited from eleven mss., collected by Bolland from various libraries duly specified; and the other is by a certain Peter, a sub-deacon, and is edited from mss. at Naples and at Capua. This Life is dedicated by Peter to an “Egregio Patri Domno Petro sanctae Parthenopensis Ecclesiae optimo Pastori,” at whose request it claims to have been written, and who is identified by Bolland with Peter, Archbishop of Naples, 1094-1111. If this identification is correct, the second Life is much later than the first; and it is written in a much more ornate and elaborate style, frequently interspersed with hexameter verses.