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Green open access policy for journals

Funders and other organizations often require research articles funded by them to be made freely available online, or “open access”. The best way to ensure maximum openness and re-usability of your article’s content is to publish it as Gold Open Access; see our Open Access FAQs for more about this.

For articles that are not published Gold OA, our Green Open Access policy provides another way for authors to comply with funders’ open access requirements, by allowing authors to make pre-final versions of their journal articles publicly accessible in non-commercial websites.

This page explains what versions of their articles authors are permitted to make publicly accessible, in what ways, by our Green OA policy. Our Green OA policy applies to all journal articles published by Cambridge University Press, but it is primarily designed to support open access for articles that are sustained by journal subscriptions. For this reason, our Green OA policy is not as permissive about what authors may do with articles in comparison with articles published fully open access (Gold OA).

Please note that some journals have more permissive policies than our standard policy, you can review this in the document below.

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Cambridge University Press - Green Open Access policies 2024

For most authors, our Green OA policies are not compatible with Plan S. Authors should publish as Gold OA in order to comply with Plan S.

We also support responsible social sharing of articles through personal networks; you can find out more information about this on our dedicated social sharing page.

Please also see our Rights and Permissions FAQs  for additional rights we grant to authors to re-use their work.

Green Open Access Policy (Version 2)

Below you can navigate to our latest green open access policy for journals and see the changes from version 1 to version 2.