Published online by Cambridge University Press: 05 August 2009
Few parts of Bismarck's Thoughts and Recollections have won greater fame than those containing the description of the last meeting between the chancellor and the dying Emperor William I, then nearly 91 years old.
1 Cf. Grosse Politik der Mächte, Vol. V, p. 253; Rothfels: Zur Geschichte des Ruckversicherungs Vertrages. Preussische Jahrbiicher, Vol. 187, p. 265.
2 Stern-Rubarth: Brockdorff Rantzau, Berlin, 1929, Eine ungehaltene Rede, p. III.
3 Quoted from Russian Information and Review, Vol. II, p. 139.
4 Cf. Frankfurter Zeitung, July 11, 1920.
5 Quoted in Ernst Posse Die politischen Kampfbünde Deutschlands, II EdBerlin, 1931Google Scholar.
6 Cf. Die Aufzelchnungen des Generals Max Hoffmann, Ed. by Nowack, , Vol. I, p. 366, Berlin, 1929Google Scholar.
7 Jahrbuch für auswärlige Polity, 1938, p. 100.
8 Stresemann's Diary, June 2, 1925 (Nachgelassene Schriften, herausgegeben von Bernhard, p. 472).
9 Berliner Tageblalt, Dec. 7, 1926.
10 Reichsiagsverhandlungen, June 26, 1930, p. 5865.
11 International Affairs, 1935, pp. 666–671.
12 “The Anti-Bolshevist Front” (1937. p. 179).