Published online by Cambridge University Press: 30 July 2007
In this paper we analyse the methodology of the theory of differential inclusions. First, we emphasize that any sequence of piecewise affine functions with successive elements obtained by perturbations of preceding functions in the sets of their affinity converges strongly, together with the gradients. This gives a simple algorithm with which to construct sequences of approximate solutions that converge to exact solutions (neither the specific choice suggested by ‘the method of convex integration for Lipschitz functions’ nor Baire category methodology is required). We then suggest a functional that is defined in the set of admissible functions and measures maximal oscillations produced by sequences of admissible functions weakly convergent to a given function. This functional can be used to prove that the set of stable solutions is dense in the weak topology in the closure of the set of admissible functions either via the Baire category lemma or via a specific choice of strictly convergent sequences.
We explain how the above-mentioned methods of finding solutions to differential inclusions are connected to earlier results on weak–strong convergence, i.e. to results on stability, in the calculus of variations and in differential inclusions.
We also include information on developments in the subject in the three years after the results of this work were obtained.