Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Schmidt, Matthias
Byrne, James M
Maasilta, Ilari J
Bio-imaging with the helium-ion microscope: A review.
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology,
Vol. 12,
Issue. ,
Höflich, Katja
Hobler, Gerhard
Allen, Frances I.
Wirtz, Tom
Rius, Gemma
McElwee-White, Lisa
Krasheninnikov, Arkady V.
Schmidt, Matthias
Utke, Ivo
Klingner, Nico
Osenberg, Markus
Córdoba, Rosa
Djurabekova, Flyura
Manke, Ingo
Moll, Philip
Manoccio, Mariachiara
De Teresa, José María
Bischoff, Lothar
Michler, Johann
De Castro, Olivier
Delobbe, Anne
Dunne, Peter
Dobrovolskiy, Oleksandr V.
Frese, Natalie
Gölzhäuser, Armin
Mazarov, Paul
Koelle, Dieter
Möller, Wolfhard
Pérez-Murano, Francesc
Philipp, Patrick
Vollnhals, Florian
Hlawacek, Gregor
Roadmap for focused ion beam technologies.
Applied Physics Reviews,
Vol. 10,
Issue. 4,