Published online by Cambridge University Press: 02 July 2020
Investigations of the atomic structure of Si-SiO2 interfaces have mostly been performed with high resolution transmission electron microscopy. However, the interpretation of the phase contrast in the amorphous phase at the interface is not unique. While Ourmazd et al. concluded on a crystalline phase at the Si-SiO2 interface, Akatsu and Ohdomari attributed the same contrast to an interface roughness parallel to the incident electrons.
We investigated the Si-SiO2 interface by studying the ELNES of the O-K edge with the spatial difference technique with a dedicated STEM with l00kV (VG HB501 UX). Also the interface was studied by Z-contrast imaging with a 300 kV dedicated STEM (VG HB603 U). Silicon wafers (110) were first thermally oxidised to produce a SiO2 layer. The thermally grown oxide was used as a substrate for liquid phase epitaxy of silicon, given two {111} Si-SiO2 interfaces in the sample grown by two different techniques (see fig. 1).