Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Pearson, Talima
Barger, Steven D
Lininger, Monica
Wayment, Heidi
Hepp, Crystal
Villa, Francisco
Tucker-Morgan, Kara
Kyman, Shari
Cabrera, Melissa
Hurtado, Kevin
Menard, Ashley
Fulbright, Kelly
Wood, Colin
Mbegbu, Mimi
Zambrano, Yesenia
Fletcher, Annette
Medina-Rodriguez, Sarah
Manone, Mark
Aguirre, Amanda
Milner, Trudie
Trotter II, Robert T
Health Disparities in Staphylococcus aureus Transmission and Carriage in a Border Region of the United States Based on Cultural Differences in Social Relationships: Protocol for a Survey Study.
JMIR Research Protocols,
Vol. 8,
Issue. 9,