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Published online by Cambridge University Press: 10 March 2017
1 The Journal hopes occasionally to publish review essays bringing to our readers’ attention significant international law scholarship appearing in major languages and legal traditions outside the ambit of the United States and England. This is first effort to do so.
2 In the context ofthe Max Planck research project on the history of German international law in the twentieth century, headed by Michael Stolleis, a number of recent monographs have been published in German—inter alia, Bernhard Roscher, Der Briand-Kelloggpakt Von 1928: Der “Verzicht Auf Den Krieg Als Mittel Nationaler Politik” Im Völkerrechtlichen Denken Der Zwischenkriegszeit (2004), And Stefanie Steinle, Völkerrecht Und Machtpolitik: Georg Schwarzenberger (1908-1991) (2002).
3 George Rodrigo, Bandeira Galindo Martti Koskenniemi and the Historiographical Turn in International Law, 16 Eur. J. Int’l L. 539 (2005).Google Scholar
4 Kemmerer, Alexandra The TurningAside: On International Law and Its History, in Progress in International Law 71 (Miller, Russell A. & Bratspies, Rebecca M. eds., 2008).CrossRefGoogle Scholar
5 Throughout this essay, translations are by the reviewers.
6 See Koskenniemi, Martti The Ideology of International Adjudication and the 1907 Hague Conference, in Topicality of the 1907 Hague Conference, the Second Peace Conference 127 (Daudet, Yves ed., 2008).Google Scholar
7 Règies générates du droit de la paix, 54 Recueil des Cours 309 (1936 IV)).Google Scholar
8 Bernstorff, Jochen Von Hans Kelsen‘s International Law Theory: Believing in Universal Law, ch. 1 (forthcoming 2009).Google Scholar
9 Kaufmann, Erich Das Wesen Des Völkerrechts und die Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus: Rechtsphilosophische Studie zum Rechts-Staats-und Vertragsbegriffe 151, 2 3 1 (1911).Google Scholar
10 Friedrich, Manfred Erich Kaufinannn (1880- 1972): Jurist in der Zeit und jenseits der Zeiten, in Deutsche Juristen Jüdischer Herkunft 693, 696 (Heinrichs, Helmut et al. eds., 1993).Google Scholar
11 On the political flexibility of Kaufmann’s theoretical approach, see Koskenniemi, Martti The Gentle Clvilizer of Nations, the Rise and Fall of International Law, 1870–1960, at 256-61 (2002)Google Scholar.
12 On law and enforcement, see Hans Kelsen, Unrecht und Unrechtsfolge (1932). On this aspect of Kelsen’s international law theory, see Von Bernstorff, supra note 8, ch. 3.
13 Each of the essays in this volume includes an English summary.
14 See Verlage, Christopher Responsibility to Protect: Ein Neuer Ansatzim Völkerrecht zur Verhinderung von Völkermord, Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen Gegen die Menschlichkeit (2009).Google Scholar
15 See Wenzel, Nicola Das Spannungsver-Hältnis Zwischen Gruppenschutz und Indi- Vidualschutz im Völkerrecht (2008)CrossRefGoogle Scholar (with English summary) (conceptualizing the dichotomy between group rights and individual rights in international law as a matter of liberal individualism’s struggle to give adequate weight to the identity-shaping quality of group membership).
16 For reasons of space, only a selection of the German language articles assembled can be presented in this review; numerous contributions to the Festschrift are written in English.
17 See Jochen Abr., Frowein Konstitutionalisierungdes Volkerrechts, 39 Berichte der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht 427 (1999)Google Scholar; Armin von, Bogdandy Constitutionalism in International Law: Comment on a Proposal from Germany, 74 Harv. Int’l L.J. 223 (2006)Google Scholar; Walter, Christian International Law in a Process of Constitutionalization, in New Perspectives on the Divide between National and International Law 191 (Nijman, Janne E. & Nollkaemper, Andre eds., 2007)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Kadelbach, Stefan & Kleinlein, Thomas International Law: A Constitution for Mankind? An Attempt at a Re-appraisal with an Analysis of Constitutional Principles, 2007 German Y.B. Int’l L. 303.Google Scholar The constitutionalization thesis starts from the observation that in certain, albeit limited, areas, international law has achieved a maturity or density that reveal structural parallels to a constitutional system.
18 Benvenisti, Eyal The Conception of International law as a Legal System, 2007 German Y.B. Int’ll. 393.Google Scholar