Published online by Cambridge University Press: 27 February 2017
1 For one expert’s suggestions on how to fill such a bookshelf, see Howard, M. Holtzmann, The Bookshelf of Howard M. Holtzmann, 2 Forum du Droit International 60 (2000).Google Scholar
2 See, e.g., <£> and <> (visited Jan. 5, 2004).
3 See, e.g., Schreuer, Christoph, ICSID Annulment Revisited, 30 Legal Issues of Econ. Integration 103-22 (2003).CrossRefGoogle Scholar
4 For a discussion of the importance of tribunals’ careful assessment of expert opinions, commentary, and draft codifications, see David, D. Caron, The ILC Articles on State Responsibility: The Paradoxical Relationship Between Form and Authority, 96 AJIL 857 (2002).Google Scholar