Published online by Cambridge University Press: 12 April 2017
See, also Williams W. L.,“The State of Iraq” 8 Foreign Policy Reports (1932)p.184
2 The 59th, if one counts Brazil and Costa Rica, which have withdrawn from membership.
3 League of Nations Official Journal, 1924, p. 1346; 1 Hudson, International Legislation, p. 122.
4 35 League of Nations Treaty Series, p. 13. On the Anglo-Iraq treaties, see MacCallum, Elizabeth P., “Iraq and the British Treaties,” Foreign Policy AssoCíation Information Service, Vol. VI, No. 12, Aug. 20, 1930 Google Scholar.
5 35 League of Nations Treaty Series, p. 18.
6 47 League of Nations Treaty Series, p. 419.
7 League of Nations Official Journal, 1926, p. 502.
8 This recital is contained in the preamble to the treaty of alliance of June 30, 1930.
9 Minutes of the Permanent Mandates Commission, 20th session, p. 228 ff. See also, Evans, Luther H., “The General Principles Governing the Termination of a Mandate,” This Journal, Vol. 26 (1932), p. 735 Google Scholar.
10 League of Nations Official Journal, 1931, p. 2055.
11 Minutes of the Permanent Mandates Commission, 21st session, p. 221 ff.
12 League of Nations Official Journal, 1932, p. 474.
13 Id., 1932, pp. 1213, 1347.
14 Id., 1932, p. 1483.
15 League of Nations Document, C. 595.1932. VI.
16 League of Nations Document, A. 17.1932. VII.
17 These precedents were not followed in the recent admission of Mexico and of Turkey. See this Journal, Vol. 26 (1932), pp. 114, 813.
18 For the reports of the Sixth Committee and the subcommittee, see League of Nations Document, A. 42. 1932. VII.
19 League of Nations Official Journal, 1932, p. 1750.
20 The text is published in League of Nations Document, A. 17. 1932. VII, p. 3.
21 British Treaty Series, No. 15 (1931), Cmd. 3797.
22 Ratifications were exchanged at Baghdad, Jan. 26, 1931, but under Art. 11 the coining into force of the treaty was not coincident with the exchange.
23 British Treaty Series, No. 15 (1931), Cmd. 3797; 118 League of Nations Treaty Series, p. 231.
24 Registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations, No. 2807, Sept. 9, 1931.
25 U. S. Treaty Series, No. 835; 115 League of Nations Treaty Series, p. 473. Ratifications of the convention were exchanged on Feb. 24, 1931.
26 Sic. The wording is not clear. It is to be noted that the United States did not declare war against Turkey.
27 This note and the later correspondence have been published in U. S. Department of State, Press Releases, No. 162, Nov. 5, 1932, pp. 301 ff.
28 See this Journal, Vol. 26 (1932), p. 813.