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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2014
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Traditionally, soil science, atmospheric science, hydrology, plant science and agriculture have been studied largely as separate subjects. These systems are clearly interlinked, however, and in recent years a great deal of interdisciplinary research has been undertaken to better understand the interactions. This textbook was developed from a course that the authors have been teaching for many years on atmosphere-vegetation-soil interactions at one of the leading international research institutes in environmental science and agriculture. The book describes the atmosphere-vegetation-soil continuum from the perspective of several interrelated disciplines, integrated into one textbook. The text is interspersed with many student exercises and problems, with solutions included. It will be ideal for intermediate to advanced students in meteorology, hydrology, soil science, environmental sciences and biology who are studying the atmosphere-vegetation-soil continuum, as well as researchers and professionals interested in the observation and modelling of atmosphere-vegetation-soil interactions.


'… lend[s] itself as a main text for teaching the fundamentals of land-surface fluxes to students with a broad range of backgrounds and interests.'

David A. Stonestrom Source: Groundwater

'The very descriptive text makes the book very accessible to non-specialists and works well in supporting undergraduate students. [The book] also goes into sufficient detail and provides a thorough treatment of the equations and theoretical background to be a great help to research students and the wider research community working in environmental physics or its applications … [It] is very well written, thoughtfully presented, and is easy to use and read.'

Source: European Journal of Soil Science

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