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Cambridge University Press
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August 2014
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This book takes an innovative approach to detecting regional groupings in peninsular Italy during the Late Bronze Age, a notoriously murky period of Italian prehistory. Applying social network analysis to the distributions of imports and other distinctive objects, Emma Blake reveals previously unrecognized exchange networks that are in some cases the precursors of the named peoples of the first millennium BC: the Etruscans, the Veneti, and others. In a series of regional case studies, she uses quantitative methods to both reconstruct and analyze the character of these early networks and posits that, through path dependence, the initial structure of the networks played a role in the success or failure of the groups occupying those same regions in later times. This book thus bridges the divide between Italian prehistory and the Classical period, and demonstrates that Italy's regionalism began far earlier than previously thought.


'… Emma Blake’s book is special … this is an important book, both for the development of network analysis in archaeology as for our understanding of prehistoric Italy.'

Gert Jan van Wijngaarden Source: Bryn Mawr Classical Review

'Blake’s work is innovative and establishes a convincing link between social practices and identity formation. The book provides a good example of the application of network analysis in archaeology - technically detailed but also simply and clearly explained. The theoretical framework builds on a detailed archaeological and historical foundation.'

Francesca Fulminante Source: Antiquity

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  • Chapter Two - Imports and Specialized Products in Italy in the Recent and Final Bronze Ages
    pp 34-65


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