- Cited by 7
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Montesano, Mark 1995. Kairos and kerygma: The rhetoric of Christian proclamation. Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Vol. 25, Issue. 1-4, p. 164.
Leuştean, Lucian N. 2011. The concept ofsymphoniain contemporary European Orthodoxy. International journal for the Study of the Christian Church, Vol. 11, Issue. 2-3, p. 188.
Hartog, Paul 2011. The Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization.
Edsall, Benjamin 2012. Kerygma, Catechesis and Other Things We Used to Find: Twentieth-Century Research on Early Christian Teaching since Alfred. Currents in Biblical Research, Vol. 10, Issue. 3, p. 410.
Mackenzie, Ed 2012. Mission and the Emerging Church: Pauline Reflections on a New Kind of Missiology. Missiology: An International Review, Vol. 40, Issue. 3, p. 315.
Eduardo, Valenzuela A. 2015. Kerigma: preguntas teóricas en torno a la primera evangelización de América (Antillas, 1510-Nueva España, 1524). Historia Crítica, p. 13.
Fernández López, José Antonio 2017. Dialéctica y demarcación fiducial en Martin Buber. Una lectura de "Dos modos de Fe". 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de las Religiones, Vol. 22, Issue. , p. 145.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- November 2009
- Print publication year:
- 1980
- Online ISBN:
- 9780511520419
- Series:
- Society for New Testament Studies Monograph Series (37)