- Cited by 8
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Guillaumin, Jean-Yves 2010. La doctrine du nombre parfait dans une glose médiévale sur Martianus Capella. Philosophie antique, p. 167.
Desanti, Jean-Toussaint and Wittmann, David 2014. Mathesis, idéalité et historicité. p. 67.
Corti, Lorenzo 2015. Scepticism, number and appearances . Philosophie antique, p. 121.
Saito, Ken 2021. Analysis, si uti scias, potens est. Reappraisal of Heuristic Power of Greek Geometrical Analysis. Philosophia Scientae, p. 23.
Berti, Enrico 2021. Aristotle and Greek Geometrical Analysis. Philosophia Scientae, p. 9.
Blåsjö, Viktor 2021. Rigorous Purposes of Analysis in Greek Geometry. Philosophia Scientae, p. 55.
Rab, Shanay Wan, Meher and Yadav, Sanjay 2023. Handbook of Metrology and Applications. p. 1.
Rab, Shanay Wan, Meher and Yadav, Sanjay 2023. Handbook of Metrology and Applications. p. 3.
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- October 2014
- Print publication year:
- 2013
- Online ISBN:
- 9781139600583