- Cited by 3
Cited byCrossref Citations
This Book has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Wartelle, André 1971. Histoire du texte d’Eschyle. p. 13.
Arnaud, Pascal 2001. Origines gentium. p. 327.
Berti, Monica Almas, Bridget Dubin, David Franzini, Greta Stoyanova, Simona and Crane, Gregory R. 2014. The Linked Fragment: TEI and the Encoding of Text Reuses of Lost Authors. Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative,
- Publisher:
- Cambridge University Press
- Online publication date:
- August 2011
- Print publication year:
- 2010
- First published in:
- 1851
- Online ISBN:
- 9780511711435