PRINTED PRIMARY SOURCES (INCLUDES MODERN EDITIONS)Abbot, Robert, The old waye. A sermon preached at Oxford, the eight day of July, being the Act Sunday (1610).
An abridgment of that booke which the ministers of Lincoln diocess delivered to his Maiestie upon the first of December last (1605).
Ainsworth, Henry, Counterpoyson. Considerations touching the points in difference between the godly ministers & people of the Church of England, and the seduced brethren of the separation (1608).
Allen, William, An apologie and true declaration of the institution and endeuours of the two English colleges, the one in Rome, the other now resident in Rhemes (1581).
[Ambrose, St, Bishop of Milan], Sancti Ambrosii… opera, ex editione Romana, 2 vols. (1603).
Ames, William, A fresh suit against human ceremonies in Gods Worship. Or a triplication unto. D. Burgesse his rejoinder for D. Morton (1633).
Ames, William,A reply to Dr. Mortons generall Defence of three nocent ceremonies. viz. the surplice, crosse in baptisme, and kneeling at the receiving of the sacramental elements of bread and wine (1622).
Ames, William,A reply to Dr. Mortons particular defence of three nocent ceremonies. viz. The surplice, crosse in baptisme, and kneeling at the receiving of the sacramentall elements of bread and wine (1623).
Andrewes, Lancelot, A sermon preached before the Kings Maiestie at Hampton Court, concerning the right and power of calling assemblies (1606).
The answere of the vicechancelour, the doctors, both the proctors, and other the heads of houses in the Vniversity of Oxford… To the humble petition of the ministers of the Church of England, desiring reformation of certain ceremonies and abuses of the Church (1603).
Askew, Egeon, Brotherly reconcilement (1605).
Bacon, Francis, Essays, ed. Strachan, John (Hertfordshire, 1997).
[Bacon, Francis], Certaine considerations touching the better pacification, and edification of the Church of England (1604).
Bancroft, Richard, A sermon preached at Paules Cross the 9. of Februarie, being the first Sunday in the Parleament, anno. 1588 (1588).
Bancroft, Richard,A Suruay of the pretended holy discipline (1593).
Bancroft, Richard,Daungerous positions and proceedings published and practised within this iland of Brytaine, vnder pretence of Reformation, and for the Presbiteriall discipline (1593).
Barlow, William, One of the foure sermons preached before the Kings Maiestie, at Hampton Court in September last. This concerning the antiquitie and superioritie of bishops (1606).
Barlow, William,The summe and substance of the conference… at Hampton Court, January 14. 1603 (1604).
Batt, John, The royall priesthood of Christians (1605).
Baynes, Paul, The diocesans tryall. Wherein all the sinnews of d. Downams Defence are brought unto three heads, and orderly dissolved (1621).
Becanus, Martinus, The English iarre: or disagreement amongst the ministers of great Brittaine, concerning the Kinges supremacy (1612).
[Bede], Ecclesiastical history of the English people, trans. Shirley-Price, Leo, intro. D. H. Farmer (Harmondsworth, 1990).
Bell, Thomas, The downefall of poperie (1604).
Bell, Thomas,The golden ballance of tryall (1603).
Bell, Thomas,The popes funerall, containing an exact and pithy reply, to a pretended answere of a shamelesse and foolish libell, called, The forerunner of Bells downfall (1606).
Bell, Thomas,The regiment of the Church: as it is agreeable with Scriptures, all antiquities of the Fathers, and modern Writers, from the Apostles themselves, vnto this present age (1606).
Bell, Thomas,Thomas Bels motiues: concerning Romish faith and religion (1593).
Bell, Thomas,The woefull crie of Rome. Containing a defiance to popery (1605).
Bilson, Thomas, The perpetual gouernement of Christes Church (1593).
Bilson, Thomas,The true difference betweene Christian subiection and unchristian rebellion (1585).
[Bodin, Jean], The six bookes of a common-weale. Written by I. Bodin, trans. Richard Knolles (1606).
Bradshaw, William, A consideration of certain positions archiepiscopall (ca. 1604–5).
Bradshaw, William,English puritanisme containening [sic] The maine opinions of the rigidest sorte of those that are called Puritanes in the realme of England (1605).
Bradshaw, William,A myld and iust defence of certeyne arguments, at the last session of Parliament directed to that most Honourable High Court, in behalfe of the ministers suspended and deprived (1606).
Bradshaw, William,A proposition. Concerning kneeling in the very act of receiuing howsoever (1605).
Bradshaw, William,A protestation of the Kings supremacie. Made in the name of the afflicted ministers, and opposed to the shamefull calumnations of the prelates (1605).
Bradshaw, William,A short treatise, of the crosse in baptisme (1604).
Bradshaw, William,A treatise of divine worship, tending to prove that the ceremonies imposed vpon the ministers of the Gospell in England, in present controversie, are in their vse vnlawfull (1604).
Bradshaw, William,A treatise of the nature and vse of things indifferent. Tendinge to proue that the ceremonies in present controuersie amongst the ministers of the gospell in the realme of Englande, are neither in nature nor vse indifferent (1605).
Bradshaw, William,Twelve generall arguments, proving that the ceremonies imposed upon the ministers of the gospell in England, by our prelates, are unlawfull (1605).
[Anon], A briefe and plaine narration of proceedings at an assemsemblie [sic] in Glasco. 8 Iun. 1610. anent the innovation of the Kirk-government (1610).
Broughton, Hugh, Declaration of general corruption, of religion, Scripture, and all learninge: wrought by D. Bilson (1604).
Broughton, Hugh,Two little workes defensiue of our redemption (1604).
Broughton, Richard, The first part of Protestants proofes, for Catholickes religion and recusancy (1607).
Broughton, Richard,A plaine patterne of a perfect Protestant professor (ca. 1608).
Bruce, Robert, The mysterie of the Lords Supper. Cleerly manifested in five sermons; two of preparation, and three of the Sacrament it selfe (1614).
Buckeridge, John, A sermon preached at Hampton Court before the Kings Maiestie, on Tuesday the 23. of Sepember, anno 1606 (1606).
Buckeridge, John,A sermon preached before His Maiestie at Whitehall, March 22. 1617. being Passion-Sunday, touching prostration, and kneeling in the worship of God (1618).
Burges, John, An answer reioyned to that much applauded pamphlet of a namelesse author, bearing this title: viz. A reply to Dr. Mortons generall defence of three nocent ceremonies, &c. (1631).
Burges, John,The lawfulnes of kneeling in the act of receiving the Lords Supper (1631).
Burges, John,A sermon preached before the late King Iames His Majesty, at Greenwich, the 19. of July, 1604 (1642).
Burnet, Gilbert, An exposition of the thirty-nine articles of the Church of England (1699).
Calderwood, David, The altar of Damascus or the patern of the English hierarchie, and church- policie obtruded upon the Church of Scotland (1621).
Calderwood, David,A defence of our arguments against kneeling in the act of receiving the sacramentall elements of bread and wine impugned by Mr. Michelsone (1620).
Calderwood, David,A dispute vpon communicating at our confused communions (1624).
Calderwood, David,An epistle of a Christian brother exhorting an other to keepe himselfe vndefiled from the present corruptions brought into the ministration of the Lords Supper (1624).
Calderwood, David,An exhortation of the particular kirks of Christ in Scotland to their sister kirk in Edinburgh (1624).
Calderwood, David,History of the Kirk of Scotland by Mr. David Calderwood, ed. Thompson, T., 8 vols. (Edinburgh, 1842–9).
Calderwood, David,Perth assembly (1619).
Calderwood, David,Quaeres concerning the state of the Church of Scotland (1621).
Calderwood, David,Scoti τоύ τύχоνоς paraclesis contra Danielis Tileni Silesii Parœnesin, ad Scotos Genevensis disciplinœ zelotas conscriptam, cuius pars prima est, episcopali ecclesiæ regimie (1622).
Calderwood, David,A solution of Doctor Resolutus, his resolutions for kneeling (1619).
Calderwood, David,The speach of the Kirk of Scotland to her beloved children (1620).
Calderwood, David,The true history of the Church of Scotland, from the beginning of the reformation, unto the end of the reigne of King James VI (1678).
Carleton, George, Directions to know the true church (1615).
Carleton, George,Iurisdiction regall, episcopall, papall (1610).
Certain arguments to perswade and prouoke the most honourable and high court of Parliament now assembled (1606).
Certain demandes with their grounds, drawne out of holy writ, and propounded in soro conscientiae by some religious gentl. (1605).
Certaine considerations drawne from the canons of the last Sinod, and other the Kings ecclesiastical and statue [sic] law (1605).
Churchyard, Thomas, Churchyards good will (1604).
Clapham, Henoch, Errour on the left hand, through a frozen securitie (1608).
Coke, Edward, The preface to his charge given at the assize holden at Norwich (1606).
Collins, Samuel, A sermon preached at Paule's- Crosse, vpon the 1. of Nouember, being All-Saint's Day, anno 1607 (1607).
The confession of faith, subscrived by the Kings Maiestie and his household (1610).
Constitutions and canons ecclesiastical (1604).
Cosin, Richard, An answer to the two fyrst and principall treatises of a certaine factious libell (1584).
Cosin, Richard,An apologie for sundrie proceedings by iurisdiction ecclesiastical, of late times by some chalenged, and also diuersly by them impugned (1593).
Covell, William, A briefe answer vnto certaine reasons by way of an apologie deliuered to the Right Reuerend Father in God, the L. Bishop of Lincolne, by Mr. John Burges (1606).
Covell, William,A modest and reasonable examination, of some things in vse in the Church of England, sundrie times heretofore misliked (1604).
Covell, William,Polimanteia, or, The meanes lawfull and vnlawfull, to iudge of the fall of a common-wealth (1595).
[Cowper, William], The workes of Mr Willia[m] Cowper, late Bishop of Galloway (1626).
Darley, John, The glory of Chelsey Colledge revived (1662).
Davidson, John, D. Bancrofts rashnes in rayling against the Church of Scotland (1590).
Denison, John, Beati pacifici: The blessednes of peace-makers: and the aduancement of Gods children. In two sermons preached before the King (1620).
Denison, John,The heauenly banquet: or The doctrine of the Lords Supper, set Forth in seuen sermons (1631).
Denison, Stephen, The doctrine of both the Sacraments: to witte, Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord (1621).
[Anon], A dialogue, concerning the strife of our churche (1584).
Dighton, Thomas, Certain reasons of a private Christian against conformitie to kneeling in the very act of receiving the Lords Supper (1618).
Dighton, Thomas,The second part of a plain discourse of an vnlettered Christian, wherein by way of demonstration hee sheweth what the reasons be which he doth ground upon, in refusing conformity to kneeling in the act of receiving the Lords Supper (1619).
Dominis, Marco Antonio de, De republica ecclesiastica, pars secunda, continens libros quintum et sextum (1620).
Dove, John, A defence of church gouernment. Dedicated to the high Court of Parliament (1606).
Downame, George, A defence of the sermon preached at the consecration of the L. Bishop of Bath and Welles, against a confutation thereof by a namelesse author (1611).
Downame, Geroge,A sermon defending the honourable function of bishops (1608).
Downame, George,Two sermons, the one commending the ministerie in generall: the other defending the office of bishops in particular (1608).
Draxe, Thomas, The lambes spouse or the heauenly bride (1608).
Eedes, Richard, Six learned and godly Sermons (1604).
England, Church of, Articles agreed upon by the archbishops and bishops… in the convocation holden at London in the year 1562 (1684).
England, Church of,The booke of common prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and other rites and ceremonies of the Church of England (1604).
[Fenner, Dudley], A counter-poyson, modestly written for the time, to make aunswere to the obiections and reproches, wherewith the aunswerer to the Abstract, would disgrace the holy discipline of Christ (1584).
[Fenton, John], King Iames his welcome to London (1603).
[Field, John, and Wilcox, Thomas], An admonition to the Parliament (1572).
Field, Richard, Of the Church five bookes (1606).
Floyd, Thomas, The picture of a perfit common wealth (1600).
Forset, Edward, A comparatiue discourse of the bodies natural and politique (1606).
Forset, Edward,A defence of the right of kings. Wherein the power of the papacie ouer princes, is refuted; and the Oath of Allegeance iustified (1624).
[Fulke, William; Fenner, Dudley; Travers, Walter?], A briefe and plaine declaration, concerning the desires of all those faithfull ministers, that haue and do seeke for the discipline and reformation of the Church of Englande (1584).
Fuller, Nicholas, The argument of master Nicholas Fuller, in the case of Thomas Lad, and Richard Maunsell, his clients (1607).
Gardiner, Samuel, A dialogue or conference betweene Irenaeus and Antimachus, about the rites and ceremonies of the Church of England (1605).
Gawton, Richard, A short instruction for all such as are to be admitted to the Lords Supper (1612).
Godwin, Francis, A catalogue of the bishops of England, since the first planting of Christian religion in this island (1601).
Gordon, John, EIPHNOKOINΩNIA. The Peace of the communion of the Church of England (1612).
Gordon, John,England and Scotlands happinesse: in being reduced to vnitie of religion, vnder our invincible monarke King Iames (1604).
Gordon, John,Enotikon or A sermon of the vnion of Great Brittainie (1604).
Hall, Joseph, A common apologie of the Church of England: against the vnjust challenges of the over-just sect, commonly called Brownists (1610).
Hampton, Christopher, A sermon preached in the cittie of Glasco in Scotland, on the tenth day of Iune, 1610. At the holding of a generall assembly there (1611).
Hanmer, Meredith, The auncient ecclesiastical histories of the first six hundred yeares after Christ, by Eusebius, Socrates, and Euagrius. Whereunto is annexed Dorotheus bishop of Tyrus, of the liues of the Prophetes, Apostles and 70 disciples. All which authors are tr. by M. Hanmer (1650).
Hayward, John, An answer to the first part of a certaine conference, concerning succession (1603).
Hayward, John,A reporte of a discourse concerning supreme power in affairs of religion (1606).
Heylyn, Peter, Cyprianus anglicus (1671).
Hide, Thomas, A consolatorie epistle to the afflicted catholickes, set foorth by Thomas Hide Priest (1579).
Hieron, Samuel, A defence of the ministers reasons, for refusall of subscription to the Booke of common prayer, and of conformitie (ca. 1607).
Hieron, Samuel,A dispute vpon the question of kneeling, in the acte of receiving the sacramentall bread and wine, proving it to be unlawfull (1608).
Hieron, Samuel,The second parte of the defence of the ministers reasons for refusal of subscription & conformitie to the book of common prayer (1608).
Hieron, Samuel,The sermons of Master Samuel Hieron, formerly collected together by himselfe (1620).
Hieron, Samuel,A short dialogue prouing that the ceremonyes, and some other corruptions now in question, are defended, by none other arguments then such as the papists haue here tofore vsed: and our protestant writers haue long since answered (1605).
Hobbes, Thomas, Leviathan, or The matter, forme, & power of a common-wealth ecclesiasticall and civill (1651).
Holyoake, Francis, A sermon of obedience especially vnto authoritie ecclesiasticall (1610).
[Anon], An homelie against disobedience and wylfull rebellion (1570?).
Hooke, Henry, A sermon preached before the king at White-hall, the eight of May 1604 (1604).
Hooker, Richard, Of the lawes of ecclesiastical politie (1618).
Hutten, Leonard, An answere to a certaine treatise of the crosse in baptisme (1605).
Hutton, Thomas, Reasons for refusal of subscription to the booke of common praier, vnder the hands of certaine ministers of Devon, and Cornwall word for word as they were exhibited by them to the Right Reverend Father in God William Coton Doctor of Divinitie L. Bishop of Exceter (1605).
Hutton, Thomas,The second and last part of Reasons for refusall of subscription to the Booke of common prayer, vnder the hands of certaine ministers of Deuon. and Cornwall, as they were exhibited by them to the right Reuerend Father in God William Cotton Doctor of Divinitie, and Lord Bishop of Exceter (1606).
Informations, or a protestation, and a treatise from Scotland (1608).
Jacob, Henry, Anno Domini 1616. A confession and protestation of the faith of certaine Christians in England (1616).
Jacob, Henry,An attestation of many learned, godly, and famous divines… That the Church- governement ought to bee alwayes with the peoples free consent (1613).
Jacob, Henry,A Christian and modest offer of a most indifferent conference, or disputation, about the maine and principall controversies betwixt the prelats, and the late silenced and deprived ministers in England (1606).
Jacob, Henry,A declaration and plainer opening of certain pointes, with a sound confirmation of some other, contained in a treatise entitled, The divine beginning and institution of Christes true visible and ministeriall church (1612).
Jacob, Henry,The divine beginning and institution of Christs true visible or ministeriall church (1610).
Jacob, Henry,Reasons taken out of Gods word and the best humane testimonies prouing a necessitie of reforming our churches in England (1604).
Jacob, Henry,To the right high and mightie prince, Iames by the grace of God, King of great Britannie, France, and Irelande defender of the faith, &c. An humble supplication for toleration and libertie to enioy and observe the ordinances of Christ Iesus in th'administration of his churches in lieu of humane constitutions (1609).
[Jacob, Henry], A collection of sundry matters… appointed by God for his visible church spiritually politicall (1616).
[Jacob, Henry],A position against vainglorious, and that which is falsly called learned preaching (1604).
James I, King of England, Basilikon doron. Or, His Maiesties instructions to his dearest sonne, Henrie the prince (1603).
James I, King of England,The true lawe of free monarchies: or The reciprock and mutuall dutie betwixt a free king, and his naturall subiects (1598), in The political works of James I, ed. McIlwain, C. H. (Cambridge, MA, 1918).
James, Thomas, The humble supplication of Thomas James student in diuinity, and keeper of the publicke librarie at Oxford, for reformation of the ancient Fathers Workes, by papists sundrie ways depraved (ca. 1607).
Kellison, Matthew, A suruey of the new religion, detecting manie grosse absurdities which it implieth (1603).
King, John, The fourth sermon preached at Hampton Court on Tuesday the Last of Sept. 1606 (1607).
Laud, William, A sermon preached on Munday, the sixt of February, at Westminster: at the opening of the Parliament (1625).
Leigh, William, Queen Elizabeth paraleld in her princely virtues, with David, Ioshua and Hezekia (1612).
Lindsay, David, The reasons of a pastors resolution, touching the reuerend receiuing of the holy communion (1619).
Lindsay, David,A true narration of all the passages of the proceedings in the generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, Holden at Perth the 25. of August, anno Dom. 1618 (1621).
[Lipsius, Justus], Sixe bookes of politickes or Ciuil doctrine, written in Latine by Iustus Lipsius, trans. William Jones (1594).
Maihew, Edward, A treatise of the groundes of the old and newe religion (1608).
[Marprelate, Martin (pseud.)], Theses Martinianae (1589).
Mason, Francis, The avthoritie of the Chvrch in making canons and constitutions concerning things indifferent (1607).
Maunsell, Andrew, The first part of the catalogue of English printed bookes (1595).
Maxey, Anthony, The churches sleepe, expressed in a sermon preached at the court (1606).
Maynwaring, Roger, Religion and alegiance: in two sermons preached before the King's Maiestie (1627).
Melville, James, The autobiography and diary of Mr James Melvill, ed. Pitcairn, R. (Edinburgh, 1843).
Meriton, George, A sermon preached before the Generall Assembly at Glascoe in the kingdome of Scotland, the tenth day of iune, 1610 (1611).
Michelson, John, The lawfulnes of kneeling in the act of receiuing the sacrament of the Lordes supper (1620).
Morton, Thomas, A defence of the innocencie of the three ceremonies of the Church of England. viz. the surplice, crosse after baptisme, and kneeling at the receiuing of the blessed Sacrament (1618).
Morton, Thomas,A direct answer vnto the scandalous exceptions, which Theophilus Higgons hath lately obiected against D. Morton (1609).
Morton, Thomas,Of the institution of the sacrament of the blessed bodie and blood of Christ, (by some called) the masse of Christ (1631).
[Anon], Motives to godly knowledge (1613).
[Murray, John], A dialogue betwixt Cosmophilus and Theophilus anent the urging of new ceremonies upon the kirke of Scotland (1620).
Nichols, Josias, Abrahams faith: that is, The Olde Religion (1602).
Nichols, Josias,The plea of the innocent: wherein is auerred; that the ministers and people falslie termed puritanes, are iniuriouslie slaundered for enemies or troublers of the state (1602).
Ormerod, Oliver, Picture of a Puritane: or, a relation of the opinions, qualities, and practises of the Anabaptists in Germanie, and of the Puritanes in England (1605).
Panke, John, A short admonition by way of dialogue, to all those who hitherto… with-held them-selues from comming to the Lordes table (1604).
Parker, Matthew, De antiquitate Britannicae ecclesiae & priuilegiis ecclesiae Cantuariensis, cum Archepiscopis eiusdem (1572).
Parker, Robert, A scholasticall discourse against symbolizing with Antichrist in ceremonies: especially in the signe of the cross (1607).
Parsons, Robert, A treatise of the three conuersions of England from paganisme to Christian religion (1603).
Paybody, Thomas, A iust apologie for the gesture of kneeling in the act of receiving the Lords Supper. Against the manifold exceptions of all opposers in the Churches of England, and Scotland (1629).
Penry, John, An humble motion with submission vnto the right Honorable L L. of Hir Maiesties Priuie Counsell (1590).
[Penry, John], A briefe discouery of the vntruths and slanders (against the true gouernement of the Church of Christ) contained in a sermon, preached the 8. [sic] of Februarie 1588. by D. Bancroft (1590).
Powel, Gabriel, A consideration of the depriued and silenced ministers arguments, for their restitution to the vse and libertie of their ministerie (1606).
Powel, Gabriel,De adiaphoris. Theological and scholastical positions, concerning the nature and vse of things indifferent (1607).
Powel, Gabriel,A reioynder unto the mild defence, iustifying the consideration of the silenced ministers supplication vnto the high court of parliament (1607).
Prynne, William, A catalogue of such testimonies in all ages as plainly evidence bishops and presbyters to be both one, equall and the same in jurisdiction, office, dignity, order, and degree (1637).
[Rainolds, John], The summe of the conference betwene Iohn Rainoldes and Iohn Hart (1584).
[Anon], The remoouall of certaine imputations laid vpon the ministers of Deuon: and Cornwall by one M. T. H., and in them, vpon all other ministers els-ewhere, refusing to subscribe (1606).
Richardson, Charles, The doctrine of the Lords supper (1616).
Ridley, Thomas, A view of the ciuile and ecclesiastical law (1607).
Rogers, Thomas, The faith, doctrine, and religion, professed, & protected in the realme of England, and dominions of the same (1607), republished by the Parker Society, ed. Perowne, J. J. S. (London, 1854; 1968).
Rogers, Thomas, Two dialogues, or conferences… Concerning kneeling in the very act of receiuing the sacramental bread and wine, in the Supper of the Lord (1608).
Scotland, Privy Council, A declaration of the iust causes of his Maiesties proceeding against those ministers, who are now lying in prison, attainted of high treason (1605).
Scot, Patrick, Calderwoods recantation: or, a tripartite discourse (1622).
Scot, Patrick,Vox vera: or, Obseruations from Amsterdam (1625).
Scott, Thomas, Boanerges. Or the humble supplication of the ministers of Scotland, to the High Court of Pariament [sic] in England (1624).
Scott, Thomas,The high-waies of God and the King (1623).
Scott, Thomas,Vox Dei (1624).
[Scott, Thomas], The interpreter wherein three principall termes of state much mistaken by the vulgar are clearly unfolded (1622).
Scott, William, The course of conformitie, as it hath proceeded, is concluded, should be refused (1622).
[Sherwood, Richard, (attrib.)], An answere to a sermon preached the 17 of April anno D. 1608, by George Downame (1609).
[Sherwood, Richard, (attrib.)],A replye answering a defence of the sermon, preached at the consecration of the bishop of Bathe and Welles, by George Downame, Doctor of Divinitye. In defence of an answere to the foresaid sermon imprinted ann 1609 (1613).
Smith, Richard, An answer to Thomas Bels late challeng named by him The downfal of popery (1605).
Some, Robert, A godly treatise containing and deciding certaine questions, mouued of late in London and other places, touching the ministerie, sacraments, and Church (1588).
Southwell, Robert, An epistle of comfort, to the reverend priestes & to the honorable, worshipful, & other of the laye sort restrayned in durance for the Catholicke fayth (1587?).
Sparke, Thomas, A brotherly perswasion to vnitie, and vniformitie in iudgement, and practise touching the receiued, and present ecclesiasticall government (1607).
[Spottiswoode, John], History of the Church of Scotland… by the Right Rev. John Spottiswoode, ed. Russell, M. and Napier, M., 3 vols. (Edinburgh, 1847–51).
Sprint, John, Cassander Anglicanus; shewing the necessity of conformitie to the prescribed ceremonies of our church, in case of depriuation (1618).
Stapleton, Thomas, A counterblast to M. Hornes vayne blaste against M. Fekenham (1567).
Stockwood, John, A verie godlie and profitable sermon of the necessitie, properties, and office of a good magistrate (1584).
Stoughton, William, An assertion for true and Christian church-policie (1604).
[Stoughton, William], An abstract, of certain acts of parliament: of certaine her Maiesties Iniunctions: of certaine canons, constitutions, and synodalles prouinciall (1583).
A suruey of the booke of common prayer, by way of 197. quaeres grounded vpon 58. places, ministring iust matter of question, with a view of London ministers exceptions (1606).
Sutton, Christopher, Godly meditations upon the most holy sacrament of the Lords Supper… with a short admonition touching the controuersie about the holie eucharist (1616).
Thornborough, John, A discourse plainely prouing the euident vtilitie and vrgent necessitie of the desired happie vnion of the two famous kingdomes of England and Scotland (1604).
Thornborough, John,The ioifull and blessed reuniting of the two mighty & famous kingdomes, England & Scotland into their ancient name of great Brittaine (1604).
Tichborne, John, A triple antidote, against certaine very common scandals of this time (1609).
To the Kinges most excellent Majestie the humble petition of two and twentie preachers in London and the suburbs thereof (1605?).
[Trismegistus], Le Pimandre de Mercure Trismagiste, trans. François de Foix (1579).
[Anon], A true, modest, and iust defence of the petition for reformation, exhibited to the Kings most excellent Maiestie (1618).
[Anon], The unlawfull practises of prelates against godly ministers, the maintainers of the discipline of God (1584).
[Waldegrave, Robert, (attrib.)], A lamentable complaint of the commonalty (1585).
Walpole, Richard, A briefe, and cleere confutation, of a new, vaine, and vaunting chalenge, made by O.E. (1603).
Wats, James, The controversie debated about the reuerend gesture of kneeling, in the act of receiuing the holy communion (1621).
Whetenhall, Thomas, A discourse of the abuses now in question in the churches of Christ (1606).
Wilkes, William, Obedience or ecclesiastical vnion. Treatised by William Wilkes Doctor in Theologie, and one of his Maiesties chaplaines in ordinarie (1605).
Willet, Andrew, Ecclesia triumphans: that is, The ioy of the English church, for the happie coronation of the most vertuous and pious prince, Iames (1603).
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