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  • Cited by 299
  • Joost Pauwelyn, Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales, Geneva
Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
July 2009
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One of the most prominent and urgent problems in international governance is how the different branches and norms of international law interact and what to do in the event of conflict. With no single 'international legislator' and a multitude of states, international organisations and tribunals making and enforcing the law, the international legal system is decentralised. This leads to a wide variety of international norms, ranging from customary international law and general principles of law, to multilateral and bilateral treaties on trade, the environment, human rights, the law of the sea, etc. Pauwelyn provides a framework on how these different norms interact, focusing on the relationship between the law of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and other rules of international law. He also examines the hierarchy of norms within the WTO treaty. His recurring theme is how to marry trade and non-trade rules, or economic and non-economic objectives at the international level.


Winner of the 2005 Paul Guggenheim Prize


"Joost Pauwelyn is to be applauded for raising these issues and for illuminating them with intensive research and great analytical acuity."
--American Journal of International Law

"Pauwelyn's book deserves many credits for its unique value and contributions. It touches on an important subject-matter in the area of public international law. Undoubtedly, it is a laudable attempt to define conflict of norms in public international law, especially between WTO norms and non-WTO norms, in times of globalization and growing interdependence. The book is a product of serious enterprise both in its inclusiveness and profundity. It is very well-researched and rich in citations of jurisprudence and literatures."
-- Global Law Books, Sungjoon Cho

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