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Cambridge University Press
Online publication date:
June 2016
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An Introduction to Clouds provides a fundamental understanding of clouds, ranging from cloud microphysics to the large-scale impacts of clouds on climate. On the microscale, phase changes and ice nucleation are covered comprehensively, including aerosol particles and thermodynamics relevant for the formation of clouds and precipitation. At larger scales, cloud dynamics, mid-latitude storms and tropical cyclones are discussed leading to the role of clouds on the hydrological cycle and climate. Each chapter ends with problem sets and multiple-choice questions that can be completed online, and important equations are highlighted in boxes for ease of reference. Combining mathematical formulations with qualitative explanations of underlying concepts, this accessible book requires relatively little previous knowledge, making it ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in atmospheric science, environmental sciences and related disciplines.


‘This textbook bridges an important gap that exists in the current literature between too basic and too advanced. It is ideally suited for the upper-level undergraduate and early graduate student that needs a solid foundation in cloud microphysics and chemistry. Important contemporary topics, including uncertainty in climate change, are tackled and explained.’

Daniel Cziczo - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

‘This book provides a unique comprehensive overview of clouds and their role in the climate system, from the microphysical formation of droplets and ice crystals on aerosol particles, through complex cloud microphysics and cloud dynamics, all the way to cloud radiative effects and their role in the climate system. An excellent and nicely illustrated introduction to clouds for students and researchers alike.’

Philip Stier - University of Oxford

‘This is an excellent comprehensive and up-to-date introductory textbook on clouds. The multiple choice questions and mathematical problems at the end of each chapter are invaluable for learning. Carefully written in a logical and easy to follow manner, this book will be a great addition to the teaching of clouds and their role in climate at the upper-level undergraduate and early graduate level.’

M. K. Yau - McGill University, Montréal

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  • 1 - Clouds
    pp 1-25
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