Twenty isolates of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner belonging to vars. kenyae, kurstaki, aizawai and ostriniae, were tested for their activity against first instar larvae of Boarmia selenaria Schiffermüller. Isolate 30-11 (serovar 3a3b, kurstaki) proved to be 8% more effective than the standard HD-l-S-1980 (serovar 3a3b, kurstaki). This isolate was 13% more larvicidal to third instar larvae than the standard. Significant lower mortalities than the standard were obtained with the isolates: 400-1, 400-2, 400-3, 400-4, 400-8, 400-11, 400-12, 400-14, 30-2, 30-12, 30-13, 30-15, Ser. 17 and BL8a8c. Isolates 400-5, 400-6, 400-7, 400-9 and 400-10 were similar in larvicidal effectiveness to the standard.