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Chandran, Avinash
Kay, Melissa C.
Nedimyer, Aliza K.
Morris, Sarah N.
Kerr, Zachary Y.
Register-Mihalik, Johna K.
A Review of Analytical Methods Used for Evaluating Clustering in Concussion-Related Symptoms.
Current Epidemiology Reports,
Vol. 7,
Issue. 4,
Brett, Benjamin L.
Kramer, Mark D.
McCrea, Michael A.
Broglio, Steven P.
McAllister, Thomas W.
Nelson, Lindsay D.
Hazzard, Joseph B.
Kelly, Louise A.
Ortega, Justus
Port, Nicholas
Pasquina, Paul F.
Jackson, Jonathan
Cameron, Kenneth L.
Houston, Megan N.
Goldman, Joshua T.
Giza, Christopher
Buckley, Thomas
Clugston, James R.
Schmidt, Julianne D.
Feigenbaum, Luis A.
Eckner, James T.
Master, Christina L.
Collins, Michael W.
Kontos, Anthony P.
Chrisman, Sara P.D.
Duma, Stefan M.
Miles, Christopher M.
Susmarski, Adam
Bifactor Model of the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool Symptom Checklist: Replication and Invariance Across Time in the CARE Consortium Sample.
The American Journal of Sports Medicine,
Vol. 48,
Issue. 11,
Wilmoth, Kristin
Magnus, Brooke E.
McCrea, Michael A.
Nelson, Lindsay D.
Preliminary Validation of an Abbreviated Acute Concussion Symptom Checklist Using Item Response Theory.
The American Journal of Sports Medicine,
Vol. 48,
Issue. 12,
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Giacino, Joseph T.
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Manley, Geoffrey T.
Nelson, Lindsay D.
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Crawford, Karen
Diaz-Arrastia, Ramon
Dikmen, Sureyya
Duhaime, Ann-Christine
Ellenbogen, Richard
Feeser, V. Ramana
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Foreman, Brandon
Gardner, Raquel
Gaudette, Etienne
Gonzalez, Luis
Gopinath, Shankar
Gullapalli, Rao
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Kreitzer, Natalie
Levin, Harvey
Lindsell, Chris
Machamer, Joan
Madden, Christopher
Martin, Alastair
McAllister, Thomas
Merchant, Randall
Mukherjee, Pratik
Ngwenya, Laura B.
Noel, Florence
Okonkwo, David
Palacios, Eva
Puccio, Ava
Rabinowitz, Miri
Robertson, Claudia
Rosand, Jonathan
Sander, Angelle
Satris, Gabriella
Schnyer, David
Seabury, Seth
Taylor, Sabrina
Temkin, Nancy
Toga, Arthur
Valadka, Alex
Vassar, Mary
Wang, Kevin
Yue, John K.
Yuh, Esther
Zafonte, Ross
Latent Profile Analysis of Neuropsychiatric Symptoms and Cognitive Function of Adults 2 Weeks After Traumatic Brain Injury.
JAMA Network Open,
Vol. 4,
Issue. 3,
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Kramer, Mark D.
Campbell-Sills, Laura
Yuh, Esther
Mukherjee, Pratik
Manley, Geoffrey T.
McCrea, Michael A.
Dikmen, Sureyya
Giacino, Joseph T.
Stein, Murray B.
Nelson, Lindsay D.
Adeoye, Opeolu
Badjatia, Neeraj
Boase, Kim
Bodien, Yelena
Bullock, M. Ross
Chesnut, Randall
Corrigan, John D.
Crawford, Karen
Diaz-Arrastia, Ramon
Duhaime, Ann-Christine
Ellenbogen, Richard
Feeser, V Ramana
Ferguson, Adam R.
Foreman, Brandon
Gardner, Raquel
Gaudette, Etienne
Goldman, Dana
Gonzalez, Luis
Gopinath, Shankar
Gullapalli, Rao
Hemphill, J Claude
Hotz, Gillian
Jain, Sonia
Korley, Frederick K.
Kramer, Joel
Kreitzer, Natalie
Levin, Harvey
Lindsell, Chris
Machamer, Joan
Madden, Christopher
Martin, Alastair
McAllister, Thomas
Merchant, Randall
Ngwenya, Laura B.
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Palacios, Eva
Perl, Daniel
Puccio, Ava
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Robertson, Claudia
Rosand, Jonathan
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Schnyer, David
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Sherer, Mark
Taylor, Sabrina
Temkin, Nancy
Toga, Arthur
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Wang, Kevin
Yue, John K.
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Network analysis and relationship of symptom factors to functional outcomes and quality of life following mild traumatic brain injury: a TRACK-TBI study.
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Sensory sensitivity after acquired brain injury: A systematic review.
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Linking Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ) and Sport Concussion Assessment Tool (SCAT) scores with item response theory.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society,
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Sensory hypersensitivity after acquired brain injury: the patient perspective.
Disability and Rehabilitation,
Vol. 46,
Issue. 16,
D'Alonzo, Bernadette A.
Barnett, Ian J.
Master, Christina L.
Hamilton, Roy H.
Wiebe, Douglas J.
Schneider, Andrea L. C.
Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance Across Sex of the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool Symptom Inventory.
Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine,
Simons, Mary U.
McCrea, Michael A.
Broglio, Steven
McAllister, Thomas W.
Nelson, Lindsay D.
Benjamin, Holly
Brooks, Alison
Buckley, Thomas
Cameron, Kenneth
Clugston, Jay
DiFiori, John
D’Lauro, Chris
Eckner, James
Alejandro Feigenbaum, Luis
Giza, Christopher
Hazzard Jr, Joseph
Kaminski, Thomas
Kelly, Louise
Kontos, Anthony
Master, Christina
Mihalik, Jason
Miles, Christopher
Port, Nicholas
Putukian, Margot
Susmarski, Adam
Latent Profiles of Acute Symptoms, Cognitive Performance, and Balance in Sport-Related Concussions.
The American Journal of Sports Medicine,
Vol. 52,
Issue. 8,
Thielen, Hella
Huenges Wajer, Irene M.C.
Tuts, Nora
Welkenhuyzen, Lies
Lafosse, Cristophe
Gillebert, Celine R.
The Multi-Modal Evaluation of Sensory Sensitivity (MESSY): Assessing a commonly missed symptom of acquired brain injury.
The Clinical Neuropsychologist,
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Cai, Lanya T.
Brett, Benjamin L.
Palacios, Eva M.
Yuh, Esther L.
Bourla, Ioanna
Wren-Jarvis, Jamie
Wang, Yang
Mac Donald, Christine
Diaz-Arrastia, Ramon
Giacino, Joseph T.
Okonkwo, David O.
Levin, Harvey S.
Robertson, Claudia S.
Temkin, Nancy
Markowitz, Amy J.
Manley, Geoffrey T.
Stein, Murray B.
McCrea, Michael A.
Zafonte, Ross D.
Nelson, Lindsay D.
Mukherjee, Pratik
Ferguson, Adam R.
Manley, Geoffrey T.
Markowitz, Amy J.
Mukherjee, Pratik
Taylor, Sabrina R.
Yue, John K.
Yuh, Esther L.
Jha, Ruchira
Gopinath, Shankar
Robertson, Claudia S.
Giacino, Joseph T.
McCrea, Michael A.
Nelson, Lindsay D.
Diaz-Arrastia, Ramon
Jain, Sonia
Stein, Murray B.
Ngwenya, Laura B.
Badjatia, Neeraj
Gullapalli, Rao
Korley, Frederick K.
Okonkwo, David O.
Puccio, Ava M.
Schnyer, David
Madden, Christopher
Grandhi, Ramesh
Dirk Keene, C.
Mac Donald, Christine
Temkin, Nancy
Merchant, Randall
Emotional Resilience Predicts Preserved White Matter Microstructure Following Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
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Vol. 9,
Issue. 2,