Crossref Citations
This article has been cited by the following publications. This list is generated based on data provided by Crossref.
Holt, Adam F.
The Topographic Signature of Mantle Pressure Build‐Up Beneath Subducting Plates: Insights From Spherical Subduction Models.
Geophysical Research Letters,
Vol. 49,
Issue. 22,
Chen, Fangqin
Davies, D. Rhodri
Goes, Saskia
Suchoy, Lior
Kramer, Stephan C.
Comparing the Dynamics of Free Subduction in Cartesian and Spherical Domains.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems,
Vol. 23,
Issue. 12,
Chen, Fangqin
Davies, D. Rhodri
Goes, Saskia
Suchoy, Lior
Kramer, Stephan C.
How Slab Age and Width Combine to Dictate the Dynamics and Evolution of Subduction Systems: A 3‐D Spherical Study.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems,
Vol. 23,
Issue. 11,
Suchoy, Lior
Goes, Saskia
Chen, Fangqin
Davies, D. Rhodri
How Aseismic Ridges Modify the Dynamics of Free Subduction: A 3-D Numerical Investigation.
Frontiers in Earth Science,
Vol. 10,
Issue. ,
Chaillat, Stéphanie
Gerardi, Gianluca
Li, Yida
Chamolly, Alexander
Li, Zhong‐Hai
Ribe, Neil M.
The Sphericity Paradox and the Role of Hoop Stresses in Free Subduction on a Sphere.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,
Vol. 129,
Issue. 9,
Macherel, Emilie
Räss, Ludovic
Schmalholz, Stefan M.
3D Stresses and Velocities Caused by Continental Plateaus: Scaling Analysis and Numerical Calculations With Application to the Tibetan Plateau.
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