The Lago di Bracciano is a lake in Southern Etruria with a surface of 57.5 square kilometers. Its maximum length is 9.3 kilometers. The width goes up to 8.7 kilometers. The extent of the lake is 31.5 kilometers. Its water originates in part from some small rivers, and in part from underground springs. The lake is situated in a volcanic area, a fact which is important in our case.
The Romans called the Lago di Bracciano lacus Sabatinus. We find the lake referred to by this name on the tabula Peutingeriana. Collumella mentions the lake in his work De re rustica in the chapter on pisciculture. He points out that due to farmers' care some lakes have sea-fish, which can stand fresh water:
Inde Velinus, inde etiam Sabatinus, item Volsiniensis et Ciminius lupos auratasque procreaverunt, ac si qua sunt alia piscium genera dulcis undae tolerantia.
1 Cf. the thorough and even today useful article “Sabate” by Philipp in Paulys RE, 2nd series 1/2 (1920) col. 1537 ss.
2 8, 16, 2 (ed. Richter 1982).
3 De aquis urbis Romae 2, 71.
4 As to the function of Alsietina, see Robinson, , Ancient Rome, (1992) 102, n. 50.Google Scholar
5 On the aquarii, see Robinson, ibid., at 102.
6 5, 2, 9.
7 Ed. Lindsay 465, 2.
8 As to Proculus cf. Kunkel, , Herkunft und soziale Stellung der römischen Juristen, (1952/1967) 123 ss.Google Scholar; Mayer-Maly, , Paulys RE 23/1 (1957)Google Scholar col. 1234 ss.; Krampe, , Proculi Epistulae, (1970) 1 ss.Google Scholar
9 For teaching-purposes in secondary schools this text is offered by Fuhrmann/Liebs, , ratio, (3rd ed., 1984)Google Scholar nr. 39 (p. 29) and Mayer-Maly, /Noll, , Latein in unserer Welt: Römisches Recht, (1992) 117Google Scholar (with the picture of the Eastern indentation of the Lago di Bracciano) and II 13. In Austria in the last year of secondary school either texts from Roman Law or from the writings of Saint Augustin are dealt with, depending on the teacher's choice.
10 Krampe, , Proculi Epistulae, (1970) 31 s.Google Scholar
11 Lewis, , “Alluvio: The Meaning of Institutes II.1.20”, in Stein, P. and Lewis, A. (eds.) Studies in Justinian's Institutes in memory of J.A.C. Thomas, (1983) 87, 91 s.Google Scholar
12 Garcia Garrido/d. Fernandez, Portillo, “El lago de Rutilia Polla”, in: Sodalitas, Scritti in onore di A. Guarino, Vol. 6, (1984) 2761 ss.Google Scholar
13 Supra n. 10, at 97.
14 Lewis, supra n. 11, at 91.
15 Differently - because of Alfenus/Paulus D 8.3.30 - Garcia Garrido/Portillo Fernandez (supra n. 12), 2765 (“mismo caso”).
16 Marcian D; somehow restrictive Marcian D sed fiumina paene omnia et portus publica sunt.
17 Das Corpus Iuris civilis ins Deutsche übersetzt, (Leipzig, 1831) Vol. 2, 359.
18 Hulot, and others, Les cinquante livres du Digeste, (Metz/Paris, 1804) Vol. 2, 559Google Scholar: “Rutilia Polla a acheté le lac qui faisoit le coin du fonds Sabatrien.”
19 Scott, S.P., Corpus luris Civilis: The Civil Law, (Cincinnati, 1932/1973) Vol. 5, 21Google Scholar: “Rutilia Polla bought the lake at the corner of the Sabatine estate.” Watson, Alan, The Digest of Justinian II, (1985) 523Google Scholar elegantly evades the difficulty. We can read here: “Rutilia Polla bought the lake Sabatenis Angularius and ten feet of land around the lake.”
20 Supra n. 9.
21 Georges, , Ausführliches lateinisch-deutsches Handwörterbuch, (llth ed., 1962)Google Scholar col. 429.
22 Quoted from Fehr, , Corpus iuris civilis Iustinianei, (1627/1965) Vol. 1, col. 1725.Google Scholar
23 Vivianus Tuscus was active in the generation after Accursius. Concerning the Casus to Digestum vetus cf. Weimar, , in: Coing, (ed.), Handbuch der Quellen und Literatur der neueren europäischen Privatrechtsgeschichte, Vol. 1, (1973) 219.Google Scholar
24 Supra n. 1, at 1537 s.
25 Supra n. 12, at 2761 s.
26 Concerning the meaning of excipere, cf. Kaser, , Das, römische Privatrecht I (2nd ed., 1971) 444, n. 47.Google Scholar
27 In CIL XII 1188 these are, however, 30 feet: cf. Garcia Garrido/Portillo Fernandez, supra n. 12, at 2764, n. 16.
28 Supra n. 12, at 2768: “El Caso de el lago de Rutilia Pola, en D 18.1.69 no ha sido estudiado por la doctrina en relación con D 8.3.30.”
29 “Mismo problema”: ibid., at 2761.
30 “Situación juridica la misma”: ibid., at 2768.
31 “Mismo caso”: ibid., at 2765.
32 This is seen by the Spanish authors, ibid., at 2764 s.
33 ibid., at 2763: “El texto no ha sido tachado de interpolación.”
34 (1948) 66 ZSS 599.
35 Concerning this see especially Lewis, supra n. 11, at 90 s. and Garcia Garrido/Portillo Fernandez, supra n. 12, at 2767 s.
36 Supra n. 10, at 32.
37 Cf. Zeller, , Treu und Glauben und Rechtsmißbrauchsverbot, (1981).Google Scholar
38 Concerning this see Sandrock, , Zur ergänzenden Vertragsauslegung im materiellen und internationalen Schuldvertragsrecht, (1966)CrossRefGoogle Scholar; Rummel, , Vertragsauslegung nach der Verkehrssitte, (1972)Google Scholar; Stumpf, , Erläuternde und ergänzende Auslegung letztwilliger Verfügungen im System privatautonomer Rechtsgestaltung, (1991).Google Scholar
39 In this regard see Wieling, , Testamentsauslegung im römischen Recht, (1972) 68.Google Scholar
40 On both texts see Garcia Garrido/Portillo Fernandez, supra n. 12, at 2767 s.
41 Rechtsakt und Rechtsverhältnis, (1990) esp. 9 s.
42 Cf. Mayer-Maly, , (1991) 59 TR 389 ss.Google Scholar