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Professor Reuven Yaron: Selected List of Publications
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 July 2014
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1)ProfessorYaron, ReuvenGifts in Contemplation of Death in Jewish and Roman Law, Oxford University Press (1960) xiv + 250.Google Scholar
2) (a)ProfessorYaron, ReuvenIntroduction to the Law of the Aramaic Papyri, Oxford University Press (1961) xiv + 135.Google Scholar
(b)ProfessorYaron, ReuvenThe Law of the Elephantine Documents, Academon (1961) (Hebrew) xii + 195.Google Scholar
5)ProfessorYaron, ReuvenThe Laws of Eshnunna, Magnes Press - Brill, Second revised edition (1988) 355.Google Scholar
1)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Alienation and Manumission” (1955) 2 Revue Internationale des Droits de l'Antiquité (RIDA) 381–387.Google Scholar
2)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Some Remarks on Donatio Mortis Causa” (1956) 3 RIDA 493–512.Google Scholar
3)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “The Schema of the Aramaic Legal Documents” (1957) 2 Journal of Semitic Studies (JSS) 33–61.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
4)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “On Defension Clauses of some Oriental Deeds of Sale and Lease, from Mesopotamia and Egypt” (1958) 15 Bibliotheca Orientalis 15–22.Google Scholar
6)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Two Notes on Intestate Succession” (1957) 25 Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis (TRG) 385–397.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
7)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Aramaic Marriage Contracts from Elephantine” (1958) 3 JSS 1–39.Google Scholar
8)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Note on a Judaean Deed of Sale of a Field” (1958) 150 Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 26–28.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
9)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Identities in the Brooklyn Museum Aramaic Papyri” (1958) 39 Biblica 344–354.Google Scholar
10)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “A Ramessid Parallel to IK 2.32f., 45” (1958) 8 Vetus Testamentum (VT) 432–433.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
12)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “The Coptos Decree and 2 Sam. 12.14” (1959) 9 VT 89–91.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
13)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Sale of Wine”, in Studies in the Roman Law of Sale, dedicated to the Memory of Francis de Zulueta (1959) 71–77.Google Scholar
14)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Redemption of Persons in the Ancient Near East” (1959) 6 RIDA 155–176.Google Scholar
15)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “A Document of Redemption from Ugarit” (1960) 10 VT 83–90.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
16)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Aramaic Marriage Contracts: Corrigenda and Addenda” (1960) 5 JSS 66–70.Google Scholar
18)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Aramaic Deeds of Conveyance” (1960) 41 Biblica 248–274, 379–394.Google Scholar
19)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Notes on Aramaic Papyri II” (1961) 20 Journal of Near Eastern Studies (JNES) 127–130.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
29)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “On Section II 57 (= 172) of the Hittite Laws” (1963) 10 RIDA 137–146.Google Scholar
31)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Reichsrecht, Volksrecht and Talmud” (1964) 11 RIDA 281–298.Google Scholar
34)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Varia on Adoption” (1965) 15 Journal of Juristic Papyrology 171–183.Google Scholar
35)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “The Goring Ox in Near Eastern Laws” (1966) 1 Israel Law Review (Is.L.R.) 396–406.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
36)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Sponsalia inter Decem Testes” (1966) 11 Juridical Review 42–46.Google Scholar
37)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Donatio Sola Cogitatione Mortalitatis” (1966) 13 RIDA 369–375.Google Scholar
40)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “The Restoration of Marriage” (1966) 17 Journal of Jewish Studies (JJS) 1–11.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
41)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “ksf zwz in the Elephantine Documents” (1967) 31 Leshonenu 287–288.Google Scholar
42)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Ad secundas nuptias convolare”, in Symbolae Martino David Dedicatae I (1968) 265–279.Google Scholar
44)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Wife and Mother as Heirs in Roman Law” (1969) 1 Mishpatim 5–18.Google Scholar
45)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “De Usurpationibus”, in Studi in onore di Giuseppe Grosso II (1968) 553–562.Google Scholar
49)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Aramaica Recentia”, in Proceedings of the Twelfth International Congress of Papyrology at Ann Arbor (1970) 537–544.Google Scholar
50)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “The Mesadah Bill of Divorce”, in Studi in onore di Edoardo Volterra VI (1971) 433–455.Google Scholar
52)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Mistake-Occasioned Palingamy” (1974) 25 JJS 203–226.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
53)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Semitic Elements in Early Rome”, in DAUBE NOSTER, Essays in Legal History for David Daube (1974) 343–357.Google Scholar
55)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Biblical Law: Prolegomena” in Jackson, B. (ed.), Jewish Law in Legal History and the Modern World (1980) 27–44.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
56)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “The Missing Husband in Jewish Law”, in Mélanges à la memoire du Marcel-Henri Prévost II (1982) 133–140.Google Scholar
58)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Quelques remarques sur les nouveaux fragments des Lois d'Ur-Nammu” (1985) 63 Revue historique de droit français et étranger (RHD) 131–142.Google Scholar
61)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “The Evolution of Biblical Law”, in Theodorides, A. and others, La formazione del Diritto nel Vicino Oriente Antico (1988) 77–108.Google Scholar
62)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Papinian D. 48, 5, 12 (11), 7 - From a Different Angle” (1989) 57 TRG 313–316.Google Scholar
63)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Enquire Now About Hammurabi, Ruler of Babylon …” (1991) 59 TRG 223–238.Google Scholar
64)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Frauen im Buche Genesis”, in Festschrift für Julius Carlebach (1992) 207–219.Google Scholar
65)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Social Problems and Policies in the Ancient Near East”, in Halpern, B. and Hobson, D.W., (eds.) Law, Politics and Society in the Ancient Mediterranean World (1993) 19–41.Google Scholar
66)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Acts of Last Will in Jewish Law” (1992) 59 Recueils de la Société Jean Bodin 29–45.Google Scholar
67)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Stylistic Conceits: The Negated Antonym”, in Comparative Studies in Honor of Yochanan Muffs (= (1993) 22 Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society) 141–148.Google Scholar
68)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “kur ṣibtam uṣṣab - ‘das Kor wird Zins hinzufügen’” (1993) 83/2 Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 206–218.Google Scholar
69)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “A Just Decision” (The Ginossar Case), (April 4, 1993) Ha'aretz.Google Scholar
70)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Gesetze von Ešnunna 38: Das Versagen der Rechtshistoriker” (1994) 111 Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte, Romanistische Abteilung (ZSS) 403–413.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
71)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Yeshayahu Leibowitz and the Arlosoroff Murder Affair” (1994) 118 Ha'umma 203–204.Google Scholar
72)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “The Israel Supreme Court: Applicative Criticism” (1995) 119 Ha'umma 311–317.Google Scholar
73)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Stylistic Conceits II: The Absolute Infinitive in Biblical Law”, in Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom (1995) 449–460.Google Scholar
74)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “The Competitive Coexistence of Latin and Greek in the Roman Empire”, in Collatio Iuris Romani, Etudes dédiées à Hans Ankum à l'occasion de son 65e anniversaire (1995) II 657–664.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
1)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Jewish Law and Other Legal Systems of Antiquity” (1959) 4 JSS 308–331 (Review-Article of J.J. Rabinowitz, Jewish Law, Its Influence on the Development of Legal Institutions (1957), and of his Studies in Legal History (1958)).Google Scholar
2)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “The Murabba'ât Documents” (1960) 1 JJS 157–171 (Review- Article of P. Benoit, J.T. Milik, and R. de Vaux, Discoveries in the Judaean Desert II, Les Grottes de Murabba'ât (1961)).CrossRefGoogle Scholar
3)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Syro-Romana” (1966) 17 Iura 114–164 (Review-Article of W. Selb, Zur Bedeutung des Syrisch-römischen Rechtsbuches (1964)).Google Scholar
4)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Falk, Z., Jewish Matrimonial Law in the Middle Ages (1966): (1967) 2 Is.L.R. 449–453.Google Scholar
5)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Hentschke, R., Satzung und Setzender, ein Beitrag zur israelitischen Rechtsterminologie, (1963): (1967) 12 JSS 304–306.Google Scholar
6)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Verger, A., Ricerche giuridiche sui papiri aramaici di Elefantina (1967): (1967) 12 JSS 306–311.Google Scholar
7)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Koffmahn, E., Doppelurkunden aus der Wüste Juda (1968): (1968) 3 Is.L.R. 477–482.Google Scholar
8)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Porten, Archives from Elephantine, 1968, and Muffs, Y., Studies in the Aramaic Legal Papyri from Elephantine, 1969: (1969) 4 Is.L.R. 588–591.Google Scholar
9)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Muffs, Y., Studies in the Aramaic Legal Papyri from Elephantine (1969): (1970) 77 Revue Biblique 408–416.Google Scholar
10)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “The Middle-Assyrian Laws and the Bible” (1970) 51 Biblica 549–557 (Review-Article of G. Cardasela, Les lois assyriennes (1969).Google Scholar
11)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Brugman, J. et al. ii (eds.), Essays on Oriental Laws of Succession (1969): (1971) 6 Is.L.R. 276–279.Google Scholar
12)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Porten, B., Archives from Elephantine: The Life of an Ancient Jewish Military Colony (1968): (1971) 16 JSS 240–244.Google Scholar
13)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Paul, Sh. M., Studies in the Book of the Covenant (1970): (1971) 49 RHD 327–330.Google Scholar
14)ProfessorYaron, ReuvenA New Nestorian Source (1972) 40 TRG 263–276 (Review-Article of W. Selb, Abdišo bar Baḫriz, Ordnung der Ehe und der Erbschaften sowie Entscheidung von Rechtsfällen (1970)).Google Scholar
16)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Kaser, M., Römisches Privatrecht, 12.Aufl. (1972): (1973) 17 American Journal of Legal History 85–87.CrossRefGoogle Scholar
17)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Grelot, P., Documents araméens d'Egypte (1972): (1973) 18 JSS 275–277.Google Scholar
18)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Akkadische Rechtssammlungen in deutscher Übersetzung” (1985) 4 Rechtshistorisches Journal 23–33 (Review-Article of R. Haase, Die keilschriftlichen Rechtssammlungen in deutscher Fassung (1979) and R. Borger, Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments I/1 (1982)).Google Scholar
19)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Westbrook, R., Studies in Biblical and Cuneiform Law (1988): (1990) 107 ZSS 417–433.Google Scholar
20)ProfessorYaron, Reuven “Zu babylonischen Eherechten” (1992) 109 ZSS 51–99 (Review Article of R. Westbrook, Old Babylonian Marriage Law (1988), and of Martha T. Roth, Babylonian Marriage Agreements 7th-3rd Centuries B.C. (1989)).Google Scholar
21)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Selb, W., Sententiae Syriacae (1990): (1992) 109 ZSS 602–615.Google Scholar
22)ProfessorYaron, Reuven, Parpola, S. & Watanabe, K., State Archives of Assyria II, Neo-Assyrian Treaties and Loyalty Oaths (1988): (1994) 111 ZSS 741–742.Google Scholar