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I. Periodicals and Serials
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 28 February 2019
The Canadian Yearbook of International Law/Annuaire Canadien de droit international. Volume/Tome XXVII, 1989. Issued under the auspices of the Canadian Branch of the International Law Association. Edited by C.B. BOURNE. Vancouver, B.C., The University of British Columbia Press, 1990. Pp. 500. C$65.00 (cloth).Google Scholar
Colorado Journal of International Environmental Law and Policy. v.1, no.1-, Summer 1990-. 2 issues/yr. Niwot, CO: University Press of Colorado, 1990. Individual subscription: US$17.50 ($12.50 charter subscr.); Institutional subscription: $25.00 ($20.00 charter subscr.) First issue: US$10.00.Google Scholar
Deutsch-Deutsche Rechts-Zeitschrift. V.1-, no. 1-, 1990-. Monthly. Munich: Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung. Distributed free as supplement to NJW (Neue Juristische Wochenschrift). Separately: Quarterly DM12.00; Single issue DM4.20.Google Scholar
EEC Newsletter: Review of current legal developments in the EEC. v.1-, no.1-, 1990-. Monthly. Deventer: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers. US$100.00/yr. Subscription services for the USA and Canada: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, 6 Bigelow St. Cambridge, MA 02139, USA; for the rest of the world: Libresso, P.O. Box 23, 7400 GA Deventer, The Netherlands.Google Scholar
European Business Law Review. v.1-, no. 1-, 1990. London: Graham & Trotman; The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff. Vol. 1, 1990 (4 issues), US$115.00; Vol. 2, 1991, $390.00.Google Scholar
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International Commission of Jurists. The Review. No. 44, June 1990. Pp. 64. Irregular. Geneva, Switzerland: International Commission of Jurists, P.O. Box 120, CH-1224 Chene-Bougeries, Geneva, Switzerland. SF20.00 (Surface); SF23.00 (Airmail); SF10.00 (Law students). Also distributed free of charge to Associates, who may be either individual or corporate persons, of three categories: Patrons, SF1,000.00/annually; Sponsors, SF500.00; Contributors, SF100.00.Google Scholar
International Journal of Refugee Law. v.1-, no.1-, 1989-. Quarterly. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.Google Scholar
International Organizations and the Law of the Sea. Documentary Yearbook 1987. Edited by the Netherlands Institute for the Law of the Sea (NILOS). ILOS Yearbook 3. Deventer: Nijhoff; London: Graham & Trotman, 1989. Pp. 712. Dfl.300.00;UK£97.00 (hardbound).Google Scholar
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New Zealand External Relations Review. v.39, no. 1, (Oct.-Dec., 1988). Wellington: Ministry of External Relations and Trade, 1989. Quarterly. Continues: New Zealand Foreign Affairs Review.Google Scholar
Recueil des Cours. Edited by Académie de Droit International de la Haye. Dordrecht: Nijhoff Publishers.Google Scholar
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214 (1989-II): La révolution française et le droit international actuel. Par R.-J. DUPOY.—Legal Aspect of the External Debt. By R.G. MACLEAN.—Private international law aspects of child custody and child kidnapping cases. By A. SHAPIRA.— Du rattachment de quelques délits spéciaux en droit international privé. Par P. BOUREL. July 1990. Pp. 416. Dfl.185.00; UK£57.50 (hardbound).Google Scholar
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Rivista trimestrale di diritto penale dell'economia. Anno 1, 1–2 (genn-giugno 1988)—. Quarterly. Padova: CEDAM.Google Scholar
Territorial Sea Journal. v.1-, no.1-, 1990-. Semi-annual. Portland, ME: Marine Law Institute of the University of Maine School of Law. US$50.00/yr.Google Scholar
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Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory 1990–91; Including Irregular Serials & Annuals. 3 vols. New York: Bowker, 1990. US$329.95 (5% discount for standing orders) (hardbound).Google Scholar