Published online by Cambridge University Press: 06 June 2012
The end of 2012 will herald the twentieth anniversary of ‘deadline 1992’, the projected date for the completion of the EU's internal market. Since the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009 references to ‘1992’ have been deleted from the Treaties, and so it may be tempting to suppose, rather more than twenty years since the first contribution on the Free Movement of Goods to this section of the Quarterly,1 that this is old news. Isn't the law governing the internal market in general and the free movement of goods in particular now well settled?
1 (1991) 40 ICLQ 215–19.
2 Case 120/78 Rewe-Zentrale AG v Bundesmonopolverwaltung für Branntwein [1979] ECR 649.
3 Cases C-267 and C-268/91 [1993] ECR I-6097.
4 Case C-142/05 Åklagaren v Mickelsson, Roos [2009] ECR I-4273.
5 ibid, para 26.
6 See eg Enchelmaier, S, ‘Moped Trailers, Mickelson & Roos, Gysbrechts: the ECJ's case law on goods keeps on moving’ (2010) 29 YEL 190Google Scholar; Wenneras, P and Moen, KB, ‘Selling Arrangements, Keeping Keck’ (2010) 35 ELRev 397Google Scholar; Snell, J. ‘The Notion of Market Access: A Concept or a Slogan?’ (2010) 47 CMLRev 437Google Scholar.
7 Case C-443/10 Bonnarde (not yet reported) judgment of 6 October 2011.
8 ibid, para 30.
9 See (n 2).
10 Case C-219/07 Nationale Raad van Dierenkwekers en Liefhebbers [2008] ECR I-4475; Case C-100/08 Commission v Belgium [2009] ECR I-140.
11 Eg Case 207/83 Commission v. United Kingdom [1983] ECR 1013.
12 See eg recently Case C-153/08 Commission v Spain [2009] ECR I-9735 (a case on services), especially para 37; Case C-400/08 Commission v Spain judgment of 24 March 2011 (a case on freedom of establishment), especially para 73.
13 Eg Case C-379/98 Preussen Elektra [2001] ECR I-2099 (goods); Case C-136/00 Danner [2002] ECR I-8147 (services).
14 See in particular successive editions of Peter Oliver's magnum opus: now P Oliver (ed), Oliver on Free Movement of Goods in the European Union (Hart, 5th edn, 2010).
15 Case C-28/09 Commission v Austria judgment of 21 December 2011.
16 ibid, para 140.
17 ibid, paras 133 and 137.
18 ibid, paras 119 and 125.
19 Oliver (n 14) para 8.12.
20 Case C-421/09 Humanplasma GmbH judgment of 9 December 2010.
21 ibid, para 41.
22 Case C-112/00 [2003] ECR I-5659; see (2006) 55 ICLQ 457.
23 ibid, paras 81–2.
24 Case C-438/05 Viking Line [2007] ECR I-10779 para 79; Case C-341/05 Laval [2007] ECR I-11767 para 105.
25 See Semmelmann, C, ‘The European Union's Economic Constitution under the Lisbon Treaty: soul-searching shifts the focus to procedure’ (2010) 35 ELRev 516Google Scholar; Nic Shuibhne, N, ‘Margins of appreciation: national values, fundamental rights and EC free movement law’ (2009) 34 ELRev 230Google Scholar; S Weatherill, ‘From Economic Rights to Fundamental Rights’, in De Vries, Bernitz and Weatherill (eds), The Protection of Fundamental Rights in the EU After Lisbon (Hart, 2012).
26 Case C-208/09 judgment of 22 December 2010.
27 Cf Lisbon judgment of 30 June 2009, Bundesverfassungsgericht, BVerfG, 2 BvE 2/08. Available at <>.
28 See Rodin, S, ‘National Identity and Market Freedoms after the Treaty of Lisbon’ (2011) 7 CYELP 11CrossRefGoogle Scholar; von Bogdandy, A and Schill, S, ‘Overcoming Absolute Primacy: Respect for National Identity under the Lisbon Treaty’ (2011) 48 CMLRev 1417Google Scholar.
29 Case C-376/98 [2000] ECR I-8419; see (2001) 50 ICLQ 158.
30 Case C-58/08 Vodafone, O2 et al v Secretary of State [2010] ECR I-4999.
31 Regulation 717/2007, OJ 2007 L171/32.
32 See (n 30), paras 32–3.
33 Brennke, M, ‘Annotation’ (2010) 47 CMLRev 1793Google Scholar.
34 See (n 30), paras 45 and 47 of the judgment.
35 See Weatherill, S, ‘The limits of legislative harmonisation ten years after Tobacco Advertising: how the Court's case law has become a “drafting guide”’ (2011) 12 German Law Journal 827Google Scholar; D Wyatt, ‘Community Competence to Regulate the Internal Market’ in M Dougan and S Currie (eds), Fifty Years of the European Treaties: Looking Back and Thinking Forward (Hart, 2009).
36 See (n 30), para 76.
37 COM (2007) 724: see (2009) 58 ICLQ 985.
38 ibid, 4.
40 ibid, 6.
41 ibid, 93.
42 ibid, 99.
43 Available via <>: originally released as COM (2010) 608 on 27 October 2010, then in corrected form on 11 November 2010.
44 COM (2011) 206, available at <>.
45 ibid, pp 5 and 22.