The technical limitations of portable chest radiography, the lack of lateral radiographs, and the difficulties in positioning critically ill patients hinder the radiologic diagnosis of pneumonia, especially in patients receiving mechanicalventilation (MV). Optimally, anteroposterior (AP) portable radiographs are obtained utilizing high kilovoltage (120 to 130 kV), short exposure time, and fast filmscreen combinations to increase radiographic latitude and decrease motion unsharpness. Whenever possible, constant source-tofilm and source-to-patient distance should be maintained to allow for proper assessment of changes in mediastinal or cardiac diameters. Multiple factors should be recorded, including radiographic technique, focus-film distance, kilovoltage (kv), milliampere (mA), patient position, and ventilator settings for positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and peak inspiratory pressure (PIP).