Published online by Cambridge University Press: 21 June 2016
A computer virus outbreak was recognized, verified, defined, investigated, and controlled using an infection control approach. The pathogenesis and epidemiology of computer virus infection are reviewed.
Case-control study.
Pharmacy of a tertiary care teaching institution.
On October 28, 1991, 2 personal computers in the drug information center manifested symptoms consistent with the “Jerusalem” virus infection. The same day, a departmental personal computer began playing ‘Yankee Doodle,” a sign of “Doodle” virus infection. An investigation of all departmental personal computers identified the “Stoned” virus in an additional personal computer. Controls were functioning virus-free personal computers within the department. Cases were associated with users who brought diskettes from outside the department (5/5 cases versus 5/13 controls, p = .04) and with College of Pharmacy student users (3/5 cases versus 0/13 controls, p = .012). The detection of a virus-infected diskette or personal computer was associated with the number of 5 1/4-inch diskettes in the files of personal computers, a surrogate for rate of media exchange (mean= 17.4 versus 152.5, p = .018, Wilcoxon rank sum test). After education of departmental personal computer users regarding appropriate computer hygiene and installation of virus protection software, no further spread of personal computer viruses occurred, although 2 additional Stoned-infected and 1 Jerusalem-infected diskettes were detected.
We recommend that virus detection software be installed on personal computers where the interchange of diskettes among computers is necessary, that write-protect tabs be placed on all program master diskettes and data diskettes where data are being read and not written, that in the event of a computer virus outbreak, all available diskettes be quarantined and scanned by virus detection software, and to facilitate quarantine and scanning in an outbreak, that diskettes be stored in organized files.