Published online by Cambridge University Press: 03 November 2011
The present writer visited the Wâdi Naṭrún in February 1923, and at the monastery known as Abû Maḳâr he found the fragment which is here published.
1 This fragment has been printed and discussed briefly in the Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research, VI, pp. 108 ff.
2 The word was probably the syllable
being at the end of the last line on the preceding page.
3 probably refers to the interrogative pronoun
4 By are meant the so-called operationes (divinae, humanae, et mixtae) in Christ.
5 may possibly be an error for M
6 probably means ‘will’ here rather than ‘counsel.’
7 On the writings of Dioscorus, see Lebon, Le Monophysisme sévérien, pp. 84 ff. In addition to the fragments of letters discussed by Lebon see also the “Encyclical Letter of the Archbishop Dioscorus to the Bishops,” preserved in Additional MS. 14530 in the British Museum, and translated by Ferry in The Second Synod of Ephesus, pp. 373 ff.
8 Cf. Haase, Patriarch Dioskur I. von Alexandria (in Kirchengeschichtliche Abhandlungen, VI), pp. 162 ff. For the Coptic text of the Panegyric, with an introduction and a French translation, see Amélineau, Monuments pour servir à l'histoire de l'Éigypte chrétienne aux IVe et Ve siècles (in Mémoires publiés par les membres de la mission archéologique française au Caire, IV. 1), pp. XV ff. and 92 ff.
9 Cf. Haase, pp. 145 ff. For the Syriac text, with an introduction and a French translation, see Nau, Journal asiatique, Xme Série, I, pp. 5 ff. and 241 ff.
10 Cf. Zoëga, Catalogus Codicum Copticorum, pp. 280 f.; Amélineau, op. cit., IV. 2, pp. 790 ff.; Krall in Mittheilungen aus der Sammlung der Papyrus Erzherzog Rainer, IV, pp. 63 ff.; Crum in Proceedings of the Society of Biblical Archaeology, XXV, pp. 267 ff.; and Winstedt, ibid., XXVIII, pp. 137 ff.
11 Cf. Zoëga, pp. 280 f. (No. CLXV).
12 Cf. Crum, pp. 274 f. (Cairo, No. 8084); and Winstedt, pp. 140 and 142.