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The recent publication of a new bibliography for Swaziland provides an opportunity to review the development of bibliographical work on this small southern African country. Jérôme Vialatte's Swaziland, un royaume en Afrique australe: bibliographic thématique et commentée (1886-2000) is a production of the Centre d'étude d'Afrique noire of the Institut d'Études Politiques de Bordeaux. It is a substantial work - claimed to be “la plus important bibliographie publié sur ce royaume” - with 1,241 bibliographical references, each characterised by a word or phrase, divided into eleven themes and numerous sub-themes. Each sub-theme is prefaced by a commentary on the subject and a brief discussion of the coverage and quality of the references cited. The whole is prefaced by a useful discussion of Vialatte's approach in compiling the bibliography and a very comprehensive review of sources that include not only periodicals with African themes, but for the first time bibliographies on CD-ROM and an extensive selection of Internet websites.