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Cambridge University Press
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August 2017
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In this timely book, Ruud ter Meulen argues that the current trend towards individual financial responsibility for health and social care should not be at the expense of the welfare of vulnerable and dependent individuals. Written with a multidisciplinary perspective, the book presents a new view of solidarity as a distinct concept from justice with respect to health and social care. It explains the importance of collective responsibility and takes the debate on access to healthcare beyond the usual framework of justice and rights. Academics from a range of backgrounds, including sociology, ethics, philosophy and policy studies will find new perspectives on solidarity and fresh ideas from other disciplines. Policymakers will better appreciate the contribution of family carers to the well-being of dependent and vulnerable people, and the importance of the support of solidarity in these types of care.


'In this book, with outstanding clarity, Ruud ter Meulen tackles a crucial, but complex and delicate issue, for both political and moral philosophy and policy-making in health care. … he offers a brilliant philosophical lesson that is also useful for his ultimate purpose: contextualising the concept of solidarity as he does, he enables us to see it as an answer to concrete issues and not as an ossified idea, inappropriate to deal with contemporary health care challenges.'

Marie Gaille Source: EACME Newsletter

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